
Retro ‘Just Ducky’ McCarter Pond Daze

Three Fair Haven kids and the ducks at McCarter Pond circa 1950s
Photo/Kathy Robbins

Duck, duck … goose? Nope. This is more like the “Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck … kid, kid, kid … and a pond” game. Yeah, that’s it. Whatever way you look at it, it’s a pretty simple concept, just like that old Duck Duck Goose game.

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Retro RFH NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade March

RFH Marching Band and Twirlers in NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade circa 1984
Photo/Kitty Beeman

Our annual St. Patrick’s Day memory reprise, just because … it’s a classic scene that must be revisited …

In the Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade’s aftermath, we’re looking back at the luck of the Irish and not-so-Irish at RFH and another parade — the big one. We are remembering a time when the RFH Marching Band, Twirlers and Drill Team not only marched in area St. Patrick’s Day parades, but made it to the big one in New York City. Call it an Irish step dance of sorts — the marching and entertaining sorts.

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Retro RFH Sunny Daze Chat & Ride

RFH girls of the 1970s out on a free period
Photo/RFH yearbook

Well, the sun came out and dried up all the wintry yuck.

And when the sun comes out, it’s always been a rite of passage for RFHers to get outside. No, we’re not talking about cutting class. We’re just saying that when the sun calls after a stretch of yuck, RFH students have always answered with at least a trip to the front, side, or back of the high school — or Piping Rock Park … or the old Campus Luncheonette.

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Retro Getting In Step with an RFH Icon

George Giffin moving feet to the beat with RFH Drill team girls
Photo/RFH Yearbook

A reprise originally posted on, no fooling, April 1, 2021, because on a dreary day, sometimes an RFHer just has to get up and dance. Cheers to the leader, the iconic George Giffin …

“OK, pick your dance partners,” RFH’s iconic George Giffin said at a 70s ballroom dance class.

The cool guys scurried to get the most popular girls as the tune countdown ticked away. I was the last girl left. Left footed, Lainey. Yep. Giff chuckled a little, looked at the two boys left as they backed into the wall like frightened wallflower turtles.

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Retro RFH Spring Fever Drive

A little RFH spring fever springing in the 1970s? Photo/George Day
A little RFH spring fever springing in the 1970s
Photo/George Day

A reprise to warm hearts as the sun comes out and spring is on the horizon …

Spring is coming, folks. The weather is warming up. Sort of. People are shedding coats for sweaters and getting out and about a little more each day.

The sun has been peering brightly, albeit with a sting in the air. Call it classic spring fever. Thoughts of sunny, warm, spring-is-almost-in-the-air antics are racing through minds, especially those of high schoolers. 

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Retro RFH Dank Day Riders in the Commons

Riding with the wind — or something — at RFH in the 1970s Photo/George Day
Riding with the wind — or something — at RFH in the 1970s
Photo/George Day

The sun has made an appearance or three lately, but not today. And people, like cooped-up RFH students are likely stir crazy and ready to make a break for it and ride out of bleak winter blues and into warm sunsets. Incognito or not.

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