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For ad rates and options, contact me at [email protected].
About R-FH Retro
Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect (R-FH Retro) is a hyperlocal news website dedicated to the Rumson-Fair Haven area, its people and history with a unique twist — the perspective of a 54-year resident with an award-winning journalistic background.
Daily, news, features, photo galleries, event coverage and retrospective opinion pieces, dubbed Retro Pics of the Day, are offered to the site’s readership for free. It is my wish to keep it that way. There is no subscription pay wall.
A coffee table book featuring iconic spots, people and photos of this peninsula utopia I called home for more than half a century is also now in the works. It will also offer a fun, unique reading twist.
R-FH Retro was created out of pure love of home and is dedicated to the memory of those who made that home a safe place swaddled in comfort — my parents, Sally and Bill Van Develde. They brought their family to Fair Haven decades ago and harbored a deep love of the community until their deaths.
It is my wish, as it would be that of my parents, to continue to bring free daily news, features, photo galleries and unique pieces to readers. Help is needed to make that happen, though. Equipment needs updating. The site needs to be maintained. Daily expenses to keep things going must be paid. This staff of one needs assistance to expand coverage and keep quality high.
So, in the interest of striking a balance between modesty and “a girl’s gotta live on more than love alone,” I have decided that leaving the “help” up to those who can and want to by asking to “buy me a cup of coffee” is a nice solution.
With a click, you can help keep the site going and help fund the creation of an R-FH Retro-themed book. The donation amount is up to you. Times are indeed tough and any amount is truly appreciated, even if it’s $5.
Donations of $75 or more will get the patron a sponsorship ad on the site with link of their choice. During this difficult pandemic time, it is a priority of R-FH Retro not only to keep the site running, but to take care of those friends and neighbors who need a little boost or help. So, with every $100 earned in sponsorships, a meal will be sent from our Tavolo sponsor to a longtime Fair Haven senior or anyone else in need. R-FH Retro gets up to 30,000 hits per month. Exposure is great for any advertiser, especially those in the area.
Buying a coffee or several, a small token, is made simple by just clicking on the R-FH Retro logo below or clicking on any of the Buy Me a Coffee icons on the site. If you would like to place an ad or full sponsorship for $75 per month or more, please email me at [email protected] and we can coordinate the desired images and links and get your ad up and running.
Help R-FH Retro help you. Keep it casual with love. Buy me a cup of coffee. Sponsor a truly local site created by a local who cares deeply. Tell me your story. I’m always listening.
With love of home and words,
Elaine Van Develde
publisher/founding editor

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