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Old News: Valentine’s Day Sweet, Sour and Doughy

A Valentine’s Day reprise from last year …

Call it Valentine’s sustenance. Since Cupid’s arrow was first slung back in the dark ages, there have been hard hits, softer ones and total misses since. But there’s always been a little bit of sweet, sour and downright doughy satiation for the Valentine’s Day palate, with a little kooky sprinkled on top.

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Retro RFH Twirly Halftime Show Directors

The usual chatter about the Super Bowl halftime is always incessant. It’s still going on all over social media. And much like the seemingly nonstop beat, beat, beat of the music, those memories of the steady ol’ high school marching band rhythm drone on in the minds of retro thinkers.

So, we march to the beat and remember those RFH halftime shows of yesteryear. The memories are all about the high school band and a timeless show that hasn’t seen its football field stage or basketball court in decades.

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Retro RFH Twirling Halftime

With all the usual buzz about the Super Bowl and its halftime still swirling all over social media, thoughts go back to a time at RFH when twirling made for a dazzling halftime show — on the basketball court. That’s one way to celebrate RFH Basketball season.

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Retro RFH Senior Lounge Groovin’

RFH seniors of 1974 lounge in the Senior Commons
Photo/RFH Yearbook

The year was 1974 and the top hits were The Way We Were and Seasons in the Sun. Ironic …

And back in that year, the seniors at RFH had plenty of joy and fun and some seasons out of the sun. That was OK, though, because they had they had the Senior Commons for those chilly, wintry dank days. It was just the way they were — literally sinking into the groove, known as the groovy floor, in the lounge.

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Retro RFHers’ Cool Campus Hangout

RFHers in the 1970s/RFH Class of ’75 hanging out at The Campus Luncheonette
Photo/RFH Class of ’75 reunion page, Kim Conley

A winter version reprise, by popular demand in the comments about where RFH students went on “frees,” from July 30, 2022 … This was a “free period” hot spot …

It’s all about being cool these winter days. It was in the 70s for RFHers, too.

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