Retro RFH Pre-Prom Fun

RFHers striking a casual pre-prom pose in 1975
Photo/Kathy Richardson Golden

A reprise originally posted in June of 2019 just because … it’s prom time!

Well, Saturday was RFH Junior Prom time. We know that some prom traditions prevail. Others do not.

One thing’s for sure, though, and that’s the prom fact that all good prom-goers gather before they set out for their quality prom time.

Sometimes there are photos on the lawn. Other times there are photos by the limo. Sometimes there is no limo. Other times there are corsage-pinning snapshot moments. Sometimes family is involved in the picture-perfect moment. Other times, it’s just the prom teens.

This snapshot back in time was one of those pre-prom teens only moments … on a sofa … at an informal gathering at someone’s house.

The year was 1975 and the girls were all gussied up in pastels, the original color print shows. The guys are there, but a bit camouflaged by their laptop dates.

And sometimes life takes a turn from the pre-prom couch pose to the marriage alter. Guess which of these RFH prom couples ended up married?

Recognize these RFH couples? Your favorite pre-prom event?

Thanks to Kathy Richards Golden for this retro RFH gem!