
Retro RFH ’60s Daisy Chain Gang

RFH Class of 1965 graduation Daisy Chain
Photo/courtesy of Kim Christman

In honor of RFH graduation … Reprise of a classic originally posted in June of 2022 …

That’s the sight of the girls working on the Daisy Chain gang! When it comes to RFH graduation traditions gone, the Daisy Chain is a classic, well-remembered one. So are the links in the chain — the girls, not so much the flowers.

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A Little Retro ’70s Fair Haven Graduating Class

A gathering of 70s eighth grade Knollwood grads
Photo/Jill Sorrentino

Graduation time is near. It’s a time when Fair Haven eighth graders walk that graduation walk and that symbolic trek down Third Street. It’s their last — an ode to elementary school.

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Retro Having a Field Day at Knollwood

A field day for Knollwood kids in the late 1990s
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

It’s half past field day time in Fair Haven schools! A reprise in honor of a traditional prequel to summertime for Fair Haven kids …

Once upon a time, in those school days right before summer, when Knollwood School kids gathered on Sportsman’s Field for, well, some Field Day fun, let’s just say it was a bit hard to keep them focused.

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Retro RFHers’ Great Summer Adventure

RFHers on a 1970s summer jaunt to Great Adventure
Photo/Marc Edelman

A reprise in honor of these summer days and close encounters among RFH friends … 

When summer hits in the Rumson-Fair Haven area, teens tend to flock to the Sea Bright beach clubs … the river … the public beach (yes) … Donovan’s … or they hit the road and set out for a great adventure, albeit a sweaty one on some long lines to a big ride, a log flume, a dip in a crowded wading pool or something else that veers away, like a preppy style train wreck, from the R-FH area summer norm.

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Retro Rumson Kids’ Beach Daze at ‘P’ House

A day at the beach for Rumson Deane-Porter students in the 60s
Photo/courtesy of Cindy Crowley

Oh, it’s unofficial summertime. And Rumson-Fair Haven area folks have been soaking up the positive beaching it vibes and renewal of close encounters with their days at the beach and clubbing it, as they do.

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Retro Rumson Cheers from Frank’s

Cheers to Friday, a Rumson icon and his iconic River Road spot!

That would be Tony Mellaci and his father’s bar, Frank’s. The door was always open at the place, welcoming Rumson friends for a cold one, a Mellaci sausage sandwich, a little camaraderie and good conversation among locals. The senior Mellaci, Frank, owned it and ran it with his son, Tony. The proprietors, they were.

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Swimming in Retro ‘P’ House Times

It’s just one of those unofficial summer days — an everybody-in-the-pool kinda day.

It’s the kind of day when a Rumson-Fair Haven area person wishes he or she could take a swim, sit on a poolside porch overlooking the ocean and rock. Really rock … in a rocking chair at the old iconic Peninsula House.

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Retro Rumson Eighth Graders’ Memorial Day

Rumson Boy Scouts at Memorial Day service circa early 1970s
Photo/George Day

It’s been a Memorial Day of the traditional kind in the Rumson-Fair Haven area. The day, usually kicked off by parades in Rumson and Fair Haven and solemn services at Victory and Memorial parks, respectively, brings people in the communities together. Groups, standing shoulder-to-shoulder, honoring those who sacrificed their lives in service to the country, is the usual visual.

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