Tag Archives: summer

Retro Rumson Island Mooring Improv

Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale … about an eight-hour tour, or hundreds, on the river in Rumson.

The part about this typical eight-hour tour in Rumson that doesn’t jibe with the three-hour tour Gilligan’s Island folks is that the kids on these “tours” sailed right into a marooning of their own making on what’s known as Starvation Island, just minutes from home. Who knew or cared, though? No one except the jolly river adventurers.

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Retro Fair Haven Summer Dock Daze

Summer days down by the Fair Haven Dock Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Summer days down by the Fair Haven Dock
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

A reprise in honor of the heat of summer, the warmest of times and freedom and fun times at the Fair Haven Dock among kid friends …

Summer fun in Fair Haven doesn’t get any simpler or more treasured than ending the day down by the Fair Haven Dock, sand between the toes, a few antics up the sleeve, a little seaweed in the shorts, and a crab or 20. Dock time has been a time-honored tradition for kids since, well, the dawn of time.

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Retro Keepin’ it Cool with RFH Teens

A summer day at Great Adventure with RFHers of the late 1970s/early '80s. Photo/Marc Edelman
A summer day at Great Adventure with RFHers of the late 1970s/early ’80s.
Photo/Marc Edelman

Reprise, because it’s a scorcher of a summer …

The scorching summer heat lately has made taking a flying leap into a fountain, or any body of water, a goal to which many aspire — and attain as the need to cool down beckons.

In fact, summer days, for RFHers, weren’t always all about beach clubbing it and keeping cool, fun times local.

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Retro Neighborhood Bathing Beauty Besties

Bathing beauties of a Fair Haven neighborhood in 1965
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

A reprise in honor of beating the heat of summer days with a little backyard pool dip, dressing for the occasion, and those first, best neighborhood friends …

Back in the summer of ’65 …  the heat was on, and some pint-sized bathing beauties were set to walk the walk, if the suit and the bathing cap fit.

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Retro RFH Boys’ Summer Dive

Taking a dive in the Monmouth Beach Club pool with some RFH guys in the 1970s. Photo/RFH Class of '79 reunion slideshow
Taking a dive in the Monmouth Beach Club pool with some RFH guys in the 1970s.
Photo/RFH Class of ’79 reunion slideshow Paul Hughes

Summer reprise originally posted in the summer of 2015, just because … What’s summer without some crazy RFH guys and a dive?

Swim, anyone? Waterless ballet? More like whatever works in a cement pond without the water. And this bunch of RFH guys made it work. 

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Retro Rumson Summer Scorcher Coolness

Summer sunning in Rumson with the Slocum family. Photo/courtesy of Jo Ann Slocum Mazzucca
Summer sunning in Rumson with the Slocum family.
Photo/courtesy of Jo Ann Slocum Mazzucca

Back in the day, Rumson summers weren’t all about going to the beach club from dawn ’til dusk.

For some, it was as simple skipping the packing up of the family, not to mention the cost, and just laying a blanket out on the lawn and catching some rays while the kids played.

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Retro Having a Field Day at Knollwood

A field day for Knollwood kids in the late 1990s
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

It’s half past field day time in Fair Haven schools! A reprise in honor of a traditional prequel to summertime for Fair Haven kids …

Once upon a time, in those school days right before summer, when Knollwood School kids gathered on Sportsman’s Field for, well, some Field Day fun, let’s just say it was a bit hard to keep them focused.

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Retro RFHers’ Great Summer Adventure

RFHers on a 1970s summer jaunt to Great Adventure
Photo/Marc Edelman

A reprise in honor of these summer days and close encounters among RFH friends … 

When summer hits in the Rumson-Fair Haven area, teens tend to flock to the Sea Bright beach clubs … the river … the public beach (yes) … Donovan’s … or they hit the road and set out for a great adventure, albeit a sweaty one on some long lines to a big ride, a log flume, a dip in a crowded wading pool or something else that veers away, like a preppy style train wreck, from the R-FH area summer norm.

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