DWI Checkpoint Set for Friday Night

Summer has not yet arrived, but DWI checkpoints are making their seasonal comeback on Friday.

The first in Monmouth County will be held starting on Friday night through early Saturday morning in Neptune Township, the Monmouth County DWI Task Force announced.

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In Memoriam: U.S. Navy Vet, RBC ’73 Grad, Tom ‘TJ’ Philburn

Former captain with the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office, U.S. Navy veteran and Red Bank Catholic High School graduate, Thomas Joseph Philburn, known as Tom, TJ, dad, uncle, brother, Captain, and Poppop, passed away on May 9.

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RFH Student-Athletes Sign Letters of Intent

They made it official.

Nineteen Rumson-Fair Haven (RFH) Regional High School student-athletes on May 8 signed Letters of Intent, officially committing to continue their academic and athletic careers at colleges and universities across the country.

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Public Fishes for Reason Native Fair Havenite Tossed from Volunteer Spot

Fair Haven residents and beyond are still fishing for an answer to an unprecedented rogue wave of a Fair Haven governing body decision to knock a volunteer out of a regional committee of his own resurrection designed to protect the Navesink River.

What was dubbed a “slap in the face” turned into some verbal fisticuffs when a wave of riled residents at Monday’s Fair Haven Borough Council meeting turned out to turn the tide of borough business by defending that volunteer, fourth-generation Fair Havenite and boat captain, Brian Rice. It became a full knock-out when the ousting became official with a contentious 3-2 vote with one abstention.

Continue reading Public Fishes for Reason Native Fair Havenite Tossed from Volunteer Spot

Prosecutor: Area Youth Soccer Coach Charged with Sexual Abuse of Eight Student-Athletes

An area youth soccer coach has been charged with distributing sexually explicit images to and engaging in sexually explicit conversations with eight of the student-athletes under his supervision, two of whom he also allegedly touched inappropriately, Deputy First Assistant Prosecutor Christopher J. Decker announced on Tuesday.

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Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Travel Advisory

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge construction work remains status quo, with a lot of road realignment work on the Rumson side and connecting of the new bridge foundation to the land in Sea Bright continuing. All construction continues this week on the usual 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. schedule though Friday, weather permitting.

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Remembering Area Mamas’ Legacies

Today is Mother’s Day.

And, we at Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect are thinking, the day should not just be one in which kids dutifully pay attention to the woman who pretty much, well, twisted her heart up and spit it out to ride a Big Wheel at 100 miles per hour with no helmet. OK, so that was a tad dramatic.

But, it’s not really just for all that jazz — though, it is important jazz. It should be about moms celebrating one another, especially to learn a little bit about one another’s roots in a tight-knit community such as the Rumson-Fair Haven area.

There are so many women in this area who served as unbreakable bricks in the foundation that is this community now. It goes back may generations. We are thankful for those women of all different motherly types — yes, different. Each unique and special in her own way. Each contributing in her own way. Each leaving her indelible fingerprint on many here, through generations.

You see, the strong community foundation that brought us all here is not about a number and a few borrowed phony promotional words — real estate value, flipping and the lingo concocted to make the sale.

The sale was made long ago and the value was tucked away in the hearts of some of these moms who were here when it all started, caring for one another through their community.

It’s about lifeblood — the lifeblood of, in this case, matriarchs who have bequested a legacy of true love.

They put the coffee on. Who’s bringing the crumb cake? Yes, crumb cake. When it comes to community, you can indulge in the simple a little to keep it very sweet.

Take a look at our slideshows of some area moms from the past and present. Some are still with us. Some are not. But, they are remembered for their own contributions to one another and laying bricks in the foundation that is the Rumson-Fair Haven area. If  you have a photo you’d like to add, of a mom from the past, email it to us at evd@rfhretro and we will include it in a gallery.

Scene Around: Rumson, Fair Haven Cops Ride for Those Who Died

They’re riding for those who died.

Thursday marked the start of the Police Unity Tour. The tour, trumpeting the motto, “We Ride for Those Who Died,” takes hundreds of current and retired police officers from all over New Jersey on a bicycle ride to the National Law Enforcement Memorial in Washington DC in honor of fallen law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty. Each cycling officer rides in memory of a particular fallen one. Each year, the officers embark on the tour from a different Jersey spot. This year, they left from Mercer County.

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Retro RFH English Teacher Appreciation

RFH English teachers of the 1970s
Photo/RFH yearbook

What would Teacher Appreciation Day be without a little ode to those who unwittingly set a writer on her twisted path to write — about them?

They are the English teachers at RFH. Back in the 1970s, they comprised quite the crew of educators. They taught us how to communicate more effectively. They chided us for using improper grammar. They expected better when they knew we were capable of the best. They glommed onto the small details that mattered in stringing a better sentence together with the peskiness of a dangling participle.

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