
A Mother’s Day Salute to R-FH Area Moms Through the Generations

Reprise! We’ve said it every year; and we’re saying it again this year …

Happy Mother’s Day to Rumson-Fair Haven area moms of the past and present!

You put the coffee on. You called for us when dinner was ready. You held on tight when we needed a hug. You wiped our dirty little faces, sopped up tears and runny noses. You were there, front and center, at many a school open house, game, play, concert and, yes, principal’s office visit.

You welcomed the neighborhood kids as if they were your own. You wrote all those notes to get us out of gym class (because some of us were clods). You shook your heads in disbelief over our antics and yelled our full names like a loving banshee when you were mad. You had our backs. You were just plain there — the unshifting foundation of a community through the years, building a legacy.

Thank you. We remember those who are gone and salute those who carry on …

— Elaine Van Develde

Photos/courtesy of Facebook friends

Retro Appreciated RumsonTeachers’ Beach Tripping

A must of a reprise from 2020 in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week …

There’s nothing like some fine elementary school teaching moments … at the beach … with ice cream … and cool teachers sporting cat-eye sunglasses and pedal pushers.

Continue reading Retro Appreciated RumsonTeachers’ Beach Tripping

Retro RFH Baseball Guys & Ghouls

A Night of the Living something or other on the RFH ballfield in the 1970s Photo/George Day
A Night of the Living something or other on the RFH ballfield in the 1970s
Photo/George Day

Forget “Play ball!” It’s more like “Where’s the ball?
Aaaaand swing! Call it “playing the field incognito” — or something.

Yes, we’ve explored old times, uniforms and players on the RFH baseball field and in the dugout.

Continue reading Retro RFH Baseball Guys & Ghouls