Retro RFH Spring Bust Out

Open a new window? Old window? There’s nothing quite like the feeling of busting out of the not-so-hallowed halls of RFH.

And sometimes the only way to do that is to open a not-so-new window and let the sun shine in — especially if you’re stuck on the third floor in what was likely a science lab.

Yes, when a handful, or half a classroom full, of RFHers gets the urge to bust out, sometimes the only viable option is to hang out — of a window or three. That’s how the scene played out in the 1970s RFH world.

The windows are still there. The unofficial start of summer is upon RFHers. And school’s still in … until it’s out.

So, here’s to the ’70s spirit of busting out and settling for a little hanging out!

Know these RFHers? Your best bust out plan of the past?