
Retro RFH Holiday Spirited Tower Singing

RFH Tower Singers entertain at the annual winter concert circa 1976. Photo/RFH yearbook screenshot
RFH Tower Singers entertain at the annual winter concert of 1975.
Photo/RFH yearbook screenshot
RFH Freshman Chorus in 1976. Photo/RFH yearbook screenshot
RFH Freshman Chorus in 1975.
Photo/RFH yearbook screenshot

Tonight’s the night that the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School Tower Singers sing — in the winter concert at 7 p.m. in the high school’s auditorium.

The instrumental groups play, too. We’ll get to that part of the winter concert picture tomorrow. 

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Rewind: For Crying Out Santa!

George Clark shuns Santa with tears in 2012
Photo/courtesy of Ann Clark

A reprise, just because … this solitary Santa trauma was just too classic not to repeat. ‘Tis the season, after all. And, with this reprise, we kick off our Santa trauma series … just for fun. Really. Send us your most classic “happy Santa/miserable child” pics. There’s one in every photo album! Email yours to [email protected] … We have mounted quite a collection, so don’t be left out!

Ho, ho, hoooooo and here we go again with a classic misery-doesn’t-love- Santa’s-company shot. 

Continue reading Rewind: For Crying Out Santa!

Retro Waiting for Santa Time in Fair Haven

Tree lighting pose moment in Fair Haven 2015 Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Tree lighting pose moment in Fair Haven 2015
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

Santa Claus is coming to downtown Fair Haven Friday night, and he’s gonna help light things up for the holiday season.

As it usually stands to reason for the season, families valiantly try to coordinate those classic photos for the ol’ memory album.

Though, it’s always fun to catch them trying to set up the pose with the typical snafus — cranky kids, losing a little balance and all saying “Cheese … and don’t drop the child!” for that camera at the same time, toothy grins intact.

So, the Retro Pic of the Day honors that time-honored moment of the pose set-up with a Fair Haven family at last year’s tree lighting.

Well, they still look pretty good … Cheese and Santa!

Retro Fair Haven Reindeer Games

Reindeer games with the girls and a guy at Fair Haven's tree lighting 2015 Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Reindeer games with the girls and a guy at Fair Haven’s tree lighting 2015
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

With the end of Thanksgiving gatherings comes the start of not only the holiday shopping season, but festivities galore.

So, the Retro Pic of the Day offers one cute glimpse back to 2015 and some young ones playing reindeer games of their own sort at the Fair Haven tree lighting, which is coming up on Friday.

This little gaggle of giddy girls, and a guy, was quite wide-eyed and waiting to take in some seasonal magic.

The truth is that the magic was all in their eyes.

Recognize these little reindeer?


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Retro RFH Staged ‘Girls on the Beach’ Chillin’

RFH Class of '78 Girls on the Beach in the Freshmen Follies Photo/George Day
RFH Class of ’78 Girls on the Beach in the Freshmen Follies
Photo/George Day

A classic reprise to take the fall chill out

Helloooooo hurtful sting of the late fall chill. There’s nothing better to warm an RFH soul than a funny staged moment of some hot girls on the beach — RFH stage.

Continue reading Retro RFH Staged ‘Girls on the Beach’ Chillin’

Retro RFH Powder Puff Football Line-Up

RFH Powder Puff Football of 1977 Photo/George Day
RFH Powder Puff Football of 1977
Photo/George Day

Yes, it’s the season at RFH when it’s pretty much all about football.

But, what about those days when it was about powder puff football, too?There were those days — at least in the late 1970s. And they’re back again with the recent resurgence of the girls’ game. This year, the juniors lost to the seniors.

Continue reading Retro RFH Powder Puff Football Line-Up

Retro RFH Home-Baked Fun

RFH girls’ bake sale fun
Photo/Marc Edelman, Facebook

Football season at RFH is pretty sweet. Always has been. And it’s not just because of the game. It’s about those sideline hustles, too, like, for instance bake sales.

Yes, bake sales. 

No, it wasn’t always just about football at game time back in the day — as if that wasn’t enough. Oh, as tradition has it, there were always lots of things happening before, during and after games, whether on the field, off the field, around the bend or, well, in the parking lot. Yes, the parking lot. That’s where some epic bake sales sweetened up game days — and sometimes spiced them up.

Continue reading Retro RFH Home-Baked Fun

Happy Retro RFH Halloween!

Halloween is here!

And back in 1977, it was a really happy one for the RFH Class of ’78 and some underclassmen. It was a tradition back then to get the Halloween party started early — like from the beginning to the end of the day at school.

So, RFHers arrived via the bus or (ahem) other appropriate or inappropriate mode of transportation all dressed up for the occasion with somewhere to go. RFH. They spooked, laughed, pranked and played all day and even paraded over to the Rumson elementary schools.

Yes, RFHers did Halloween in grand style. Take a look …

(Click, WAIT — give it a minute to load — and watch our slideshow. And click on that full screen button to get the best view!)

May the retro spirit of RFH haunting be with you!

Can you guess which character is this RFH Retro publisher/founding editor?

And, thanks to the fabulous George Day for these spectacular shots!