There’s nothing like chilling with the cool kids when you’re a middle schooler. And these Rumson boys knew just how to lead the coolness brigade back in the 1970s at Forrestdale School.
Yes, it’s getting a little warmer out and we’ve had a taste of spring in the air. But, back in the day, these guys knew just how to get the fever of school coolness going. We’re not sure what, exactly, they’re up to here, but it’s a given that every cool kid clique had a before-school spot in which to assemble and call all wannabes — if there was a special invite.
At Knollwood, the cool kid spot was by the bushes on the side of the building where where the superintendent’s office is now situated. Circles or line-ups of the groovy ones were formed. It was an unwritten rule that certain groups of friends just stuck together. And once in a great while, a cool kid, who really didn’t even know he or she was cool or in any kind of clique, would ask a lesser on the social coolness ladder to join the before-school gathering of the cool ones.
What went on in these social circles and lines? Well, nothing of any sort of significance. No one really remembers. As a once-invited cool kid groupie, I can say that I honestly don’t remember one bit of difference or any sort of special doings or privy conversations. I do remember, as many would, that my “less cool” buddies were pretty miffed at not only the invite, but the fact that I left them to go. Hey, I had to see what it was all about.
An invite to jump off the dock (Yes, I know it’s not permitted) was the “it” invite. I went and didn’t jump. Too uncool, I guess.
These Rumson guys, though … It looks like they’re up to something having to do with “high water” pants. George Day captured this shot. He’d know. No matter. Holy Cross kids were jealous. “You Forrestdalers had all the fun,” said Doug DiStefano, RFH Class of ’78. The nuns at Holy Cross let no kid run amok. We’d say this snapshot back in time had a big back story, but, it was likely nothing but a bunch of silly hijinks among childhood friends, which happened daily. And some things never change. These guys stayed friends for a very long time.
The little things made them laugh and still can, because there’s nothing like an inside joke among childhood friends that means nothing to anyone else. Know these guys?
Thanks to the fabulous George Day for another great look back!
** George Day’s photos are for use exclusively on R-FH Retro. No copies or publication elsewhere is permitted. **
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