
Retro RFH St. Patrick’s Day Parading

RFH Band marches in St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Belmar in 1993
Photo/Kathy Robbins

The Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade is set to step off on Sunday, barring rain. And we’re thinking that there’s nothing quite like celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, Irish or not, with a couple of bulldogs leading your alma mater’s marching band. That’s how RFH did it back in 1993.

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Retro RFH Rainy Day Clowns in a Clown Car

RFH cheerleader guys and a VW bug circa 1977
Photo/George Day

Sometimes you just find yourself up a puddle without a paddle. And sometimes the way around it, or through it, is by spilling out of a VW bug like a bunch of RFH clowns in a clown car.

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Retro RFH Rainy Day Lunching

Lunch time for Halloween trick-or-treaters at RFH circa 1977
Photo/George Day

Well, rainy days like today and hangin’ in the Senior Commons at RFH were just about as cool as The Carpenters’ hit song in the 1970s. It didn’t have to be on Monday, though. And nothing got RFHers down when it came to Halloween fun and lounging. The fun just stayed inside and all RFH cozy-like.

Let’s face it. It’s not every day that you get the chance to grab a bite of good ol’ RFH cafeteria grub — or a little scary costumed sustenance, let’s say.

It’s also not every day that you get the chance to “cop a squat” in the RFH senior lounge to ingest the spirit, or spirits, of the day in the company of Harpo and Groucho Marx.

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Retro RFH Class Prez Stuff

It’s the stuff … ing presidents are made of — or something like that.

In honor of Presidents Day, we’re honed in on presidents of the class kind — not country. And there have been many class presidents at RFH, some of whom have stuck out like beacons of, well, zaniness. Call them fearless fun leaders.

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Retro RFH Cool Dudes’ Winter Swim

RFH Polar Bear Club circa 1970s.  Photo/RFH yearbook
RFH Polar Bear Club circa 1970s.
Photo/RFH yearbook

No, it’s not the swim team.

This Retro Pic of the Day takes us back to a time at Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) when taking a dip in the ocean at the chilliest of winter times was, well, very cool as a Polar Bear Club member. Yes, it was a club back then.

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Retro FHFD Installation Dinner Times

Photos by Kathy Robbins … Slideshow by Elaine Van Develde

A reprise celebrating Fair Haven Fire Department Installation Dinners of the past with good line officers and department members of the past, many now gone, because the department reprised its traditional Installation Dinner over the weekend. Look back with us and remember the faces of those who served and leave behind a strong legacy to help.  

It’s an honored, good-time tradition. The Fair Haven Fire Department recently had its Installation Dinner. Every New Year, new line officers are officially installed and honored and outgoing officers and members are honored in a thank you dinner dance.

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