Tag Archives: beach

Monmouth U. Scientists: New Invasive Marine Life Species Has Come to Jersey Beaches

Student and faculty researchers at Monmouth University have recorded the first confirmation of the anemone species Actinia equina, also known as the beadlet anemone, on North American shores, including Monmouth County beaches.

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Retro Sea Bright Beach Clubbing

Sometimes ya just have to go clubbing … in Sea Bright … before the age of 10.

After all, what good Rumson kid didn’t? Not many, if any. And back in the summer of ’69, little Claire Hurd was one who went clubbing … to Sea Bright Beach Club, of course, with the best of them. It was just the way Rumsonites rolled in the summer. Still do.

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Retro Rumson Beach Boys’ Stand-Off

Rumson boys’ beach time circa 1960s
Photo/ courtesy of Cindy Crowley

A reprise in honor of those “just beachy” days of summer … Here’s to summer days in Sea Bright!

Call them the 60s beach boys of Rumson. They were … from Rumson and on the beach. Boys on the beach. Yeah, that’s it.

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Retro Rumson Kids’ Beach Daze at ‘P’ House

A day at the beach for Rumson Deane-Porter students in the 60s
Photo/courtesy of Cindy Crowley

Oh, it’s unofficial summertime. And Rumson-Fair Haven area folks have been soaking up the positive beaching it vibes and renewal of close encounters with their days at the beach and clubbing it, as they do.

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Retro Rumson Beach Boys & Girl & Clubbing History

Rumson girl and beach boys of the 60s
Photo/courtesy of Cindy Crowley

A reprise for history’s sake …

The Rumson beach boys of the 1960s no sooner made their retro appearance than the iconic spot of their clubbing and lifeguard stand antics became a focal point of the snapshot.

And there’s a sequel with a girl added to the beach boy mix, apparently having broken up the standoff on the lifeguard stand, calming top spot. Mayhem ensued. Meanwhile, back at the club …

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Retro Appreciated RumsonTeachers’ Beach Tripping

A must of a reprise from 2020 in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week …

There’s nothing like some fine elementary school teaching moments … at the beach … with ice cream … and cool teachers sporting cat-eye sunglasses and pedal pushers.

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Focus: Sea Bright Coolness Tide Ride

It’s all about letting the sun and surf shine, and scorch a little, these summer days. And there’s nothing better to take the heat off while soaking the goodness of it all up than a cool ride with the tide along a Sea Bright beach.

The scene is a reminder that the boon of the ocean’s refreshing roar is a mainstay respite, a bigger and brighter beacon that overshadows any sliver of scald.

A bit of relief has come from the sun, and the beach always beckons with cooler days of comfort ahead.

In other words, the heat wave has lifted. Phew. Better days under the sun are ahead. Take in the view, feel the relief and check out the weather forecast, from the National Weather Service, below …

Sun and surf up!

The weather forecast for the Rumson-Fair Haven area through the weekend from the National Weather Service …