Category Archives: Local Life

A look, in photos, of latest area events, local everyday people and places.

Retro Rumson Fire Company Reorg

Rumson Fire Department line officers Joseph Brennan Slocum (chief), Bill Murphy and Kenneth Patrick Marass circa 1965. Photo/courtesy of Jo Ann Slocum Mazzucca
Rumson Fire Department line officers Joseph Brennan Slocum (chief), Bill Murphy and Kenneth Patrick Marass circa 1965.
Photo/courtesy of Jo Ann Slocum Mazzucca

The following Retro Pic of the Day was originally published on Jan. 4 2016. In honor of the Rumson Fire Department reorganization of the new year, we are offering a look back at the reorg of 1965:

As tradition goes in the Rumson-Fair Haven area, New Year’s Day is the day of swearing line officers in to the respective fire companies.

So, in honor of the time-honored tradition, the Retro Pic of the Day offers a glimpse back to 1965 and Rumson’s top line officers.

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Focus: Moonlighting the Murky Way into 2024

With the New Year on the horizon, sometimes it takes some moon glow to light the way.

The murky skies may mask the stars, but the moon tells us they’re there and always within a dreamer’s reach. And what’s not to reach for when the fuzzy picture becomes perfect with a moon waxing full standing in for the hidden star atop the evergreen.

Evergreen. It’s not just the live tree’s forever color that has a bright meaning. It’s what the murky sky masks — that evergreen riverfront scene. Always there. Always lit by the moon and stars behind the sky’s dank weather veil. Always attainable as we reach for the light, dazed into the New Year.

** Thanks to Fair Havenite Susan Culbert for the misty weather pics! She spotted the spectacular moon-topped tree on a trek down River Road before Christmas and the rest by the river. **

Here’s the weather forecast for the days ahead, courtesy of the National Weather Service

Retro Santa House Call

Santa comes to the Connor-Kelly home in Fair Haven circa 1980s
Photo/Connor-Kelly family

A classic reprise, just because … it’s Santa time!

Santa has begun making the rounds around the towns lately. You’ve likely seen him being whisked through the Rumson and Fair Haven neighborhoods on the firetruck over the weekend. It’s that time of the year.

Continue reading Retro Santa House Call

Scene Around: A Rumson Family’s ‘Shelter in Solitude’

Have you seen her? Probably. At the store, in the car, at local haunts, at charity events, at the schools, at church — and on stage, on TV … and in the movies. The latest you’ll see of her, other than around the towns, is on screen in the now streaming movie Shelter in Solitude.

She’s Siobhan Fallon Hogan. She’s a Rumsonite. And, among (or sometimes above) other things, she’s an actress. Rumson’s local celebrity. And seeing her in the movies these days means also knowing that it’s a Hogan family affair in independent filmmaking. Call it, rather, a Rumson family production/acting entourage of three RFH grads — her husband Pete and kids — and a character actress star/screenwriter imported to Rumson by marriage.

Continue reading Scene Around: A Rumson Family’s ‘Shelter in Solitude’

Retro RFH Winter Concert Players

All RFH concerts have singers and players — of the Tower variety.

Last night’s annual RFH Winter Concert was no exception. The singers sang holiday songs and the players of various RFH instrumental ensembles played. At times, in RFH history, the two did meet to make music together.

Continue reading Retro RFH Winter Concert Players

Retro RFH Holiday Spirited Tower Singing

RFH Tower Singers entertain at the annual winter concert circa 1976. Photo/RFH yearbook screenshot
RFH Tower Singers entertain at the annual winter concert of 1975.
Photo/RFH yearbook screenshot
RFH Freshman Chorus in 1976. Photo/RFH yearbook screenshot
RFH Freshman Chorus in 1975.
Photo/RFH yearbook screenshot

Tonight’s the night that the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School Tower Singers sing — in the winter concert at 7 p.m. in the high school’s auditorium.

The instrumental groups play, too. We’ll get to that part of the winter concert picture tomorrow. 

Continue reading Retro RFH Holiday Spirited Tower Singing

Scene Around: Rumson DPW Toy Drive Santas

Rumson Department of Public Works’ 24th annual toy drive was a success.

“The Rumson DPW wants to Thank You for your support this Christmas Season. Hundreds of toys were collected and will be distributed to the Salvation Army and Child Family Services for this coming Holiday Season. THANK YOU!!” a social media by employee and Fair Havenite Nick Lenczyk said.

Continue reading Scene Around: Rumson DPW Toy Drive Santas

Rewind: For Crying Out Santa!

George Clark shuns Santa with tears in 2012
Photo/courtesy of Ann Clark

A reprise, just because … this solitary Santa trauma was just too classic not to repeat. ‘Tis the season, after all. And, with this reprise, we kick off our Santa trauma series … just for fun. Really. Send us your most classic “happy Santa/miserable child” pics. There’s one in every photo album! Email yours to [email protected] … We have mounted quite a collection, so don’t be left out!

Ho, ho, hoooooo and here we go again with a classic misery-doesn’t-love- Santa’s-company shot. 

Continue reading Rewind: For Crying Out Santa!

Retro Waiting for Santa Time in Fair Haven

Tree lighting pose moment in Fair Haven 2015 Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Tree lighting pose moment in Fair Haven 2015
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

Santa Claus is coming to downtown Fair Haven Friday night, and he’s gonna help light things up for the holiday season.

As it usually stands to reason for the season, families valiantly try to coordinate those classic photos for the ol’ memory album.

Though, it’s always fun to catch them trying to set up the pose with the typical snafus — cranky kids, losing a little balance and all saying “Cheese … and don’t drop the child!” for that camera at the same time, toothy grins intact.

So, the Retro Pic of the Day honors that time-honored moment of the pose set-up with a Fair Haven family at last year’s tree lighting.

Well, they still look pretty good … Cheese and Santa!