This is a classic that’s been seen before, but warrants another look, considering the timing …
The RFH junior prom has happened — again. And the prom is all about dressing up, coupling up and dancing. Well, that’s most of what it’s all about, anyway.
The way that spring has sprung into summer days and back these days could give a spring fevered kind of person whiplash. But, hey, if the weather fits, you just have to ride it out. And enjoy the ride.
Spring is in the air and all good RFHers are thinking about the game — the baseball game. The sun is out, the birds are chirping and bats are swinging — baseball bats, that is.
Reprise! Just because it’s that time of the year to play ball! And girls played ball, too! We take you back to a game of some sort on the field with the girls, except Nancy Welchel, of course. She was the only girl who played on the boys’ team. We’re pretty sure she pitched in on the field for the girls, too!
Baseball season is upon us. We’ve taken you out to the RFH boys ball game. Now we’re taking you to the girls’ version of playing the field.
This may not be an official RFH game, by virtue of the lack of uniforms, not to mention lack of girls on the team in those days, but it’s all about the girls this time … and having fun playing the field … and a little ball.
It’s what the holiday is all about. Take a look at our glimpse into how Easter was spent in the Rumson-Fair Haven area in yesteryears far back and more recent.
We, at Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect, hope you all had a happy holiday.
— Elaine Van Develde
Photos in slideshow, courtesy of Facebook friends.
Sit down. We’re really not trying to rock the boat; but, it was half a century — yes, that’s 50 years — ago when the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) spring musical production of Guys and Dolls opened.
We’re feeling that kind of a springtime fever when a little boat ride and escape to a deserted island, or one in the Shrewsbury River, makes for the perfect getaway not so far away — as long as there’s some mosquito netting.
Ohhhh, spring is starting to sprout a bit. The temperature is rising and all is good. Spring fever has kicked in. The fever is downright piping hot and spreading for many. And there’s nothing like a spring bike ride to kick daydreams of the season into full-swing gear.
A reprise to warm hearts as the thaw ensues and spring officially hits the air …
Spring is officially here. The weather is warming up. Sort of. People are shedding coats for sweaters and getting out and about a little more each day.
The thaw has started. Call it classic spring fever. And it’s a more feverish fever than ever with the demise of COVID mask mandates and people pulling closer together again. Thoughts of sunny, warm, close spring-is-in-the-air antics are racing through minds, especially those of high schoolers.
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