Happy Retro RFH Halloween!

Halloween is here!

And back in 1977, it was a really happy one for the RFH Class of ’78 and some underclassmen. It was a tradition back then to get the Halloween party started early — like from the beginning to the end of the day at school.

So, RFHers arrived via the bus or (ahem) other appropriate or inappropriate mode of transportation all dressed up for the occasion with somewhere to go. RFH. They spooked, laughed, pranked and played all day and even paraded over to the Rumson elementary schools.

Yes, RFHers did Halloween in grand style. Take a look …

(Click, WAIT — give it a minute to load — and watch our slideshow. And click on that full screen button to get the best view!)

May the retro spirit of RFH haunting be with you!

Can you guess which character is this RFH Retro publisher/founding editor?

And, thanks to the fabulous George Day for these spectacular shots! 

Prosecutor: Monitor Installed at Police Department to Investigate Cops’ Many Complaints Against One Another

Following a recent increase in Asbury Park Police Department officers filing internal affairs complaints against one another, the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office has installed an on-site monitor at the department, effective last week, Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago announced on Monday.

Continue reading Prosecutor: Monitor Installed at Police Department to Investigate Cops’ Many Complaints Against One Another

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Travel Alert

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge replacement activity is scheduled, weather permitting, for shorter hours this week, with alerts about girder deliveries and traffic alternating.

The work will continue through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.. During work hours and beyond, Monmouth County officials advise …

Drivers should allow for extra travel time, due to girder deliveries and associated alternating traffic on the Rumson side. This means …

  • On Monday, bridge girder deliveries are expected in Rumson.
  • From Tuesday through Friday, there will be alternating traffic on Rumson Road due to curb, sidewalk and driveway apron installation.
  • Police will assist flaggers with traffic control.

An awareness of construction and delivery vehicles should be maintained. This means …

  • All roadway and sidewalk travelers should be aware of construction and delivery vehicles entering and exiting the work areas on both sides of Rumson Road in Rumson and on the southbound side of Ocean Avenue in Sea Bright.
  • Temporary delays are possible on any contractor work day due to movement of construction vehicles and equipment.

An awareness of work activity continuing in the Shrewsbury River should be maintained. This means …

  • Bridge replacement work activity continues on both sides of the Shrewsbury River south of the bridge.
  • Please note the channel closure dates have changed. See Recent News for an update on future changes to channel access.

— Photos/Doug Borden

— Featured photo/Elaine Van Develde

Friday Night Before Halloween DWI Checkpoint

Halloween falls on a Tuesday this year. That in mind, parties usually fall on the weekend before. And, the Monmouth County DWI Task Force, in conjunction with local police, will be conducting a DWI checkpoint starting tonight and running into early Saturday morning.

Continue reading Friday Night Before Halloween DWI Checkpoint

Prosecutor: Authorities Seek Public’s Help in Identifying 19-Year-Old’s Killer in 2016 Shooting Death

Authorities are asking that anyone with information regarding who may have been responsible for the 2016 shooting death of a Bradley Beach man to come forward, Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago announced on Wednesday.

Continue reading Prosecutor: Authorities Seek Public’s Help in Identifying 19-Year-Old’s Killer in 2016 Shooting Death

Focus: Throwing Sunny Shade on River Time

There’s nothing like a crisp, bright fall day down by the river. It’s nothing to throw shade on, unless, of course, an umbrella or several are involved at an iconic spot along the Navesink.

That spot would be Barnacle Bill’s in Rumson. The shade? Well, when the fiery sunshine sears that fuzzy warmth into your soul, the umbrella that shades takes the glare away, calling the view into vivid focus. Call it falling for the same old, yet always new, scene. The river time scene.

River time. It’s time forever well-spent — sunny side always up under the umbrella of a day completed down by the river.

Take a look and feel the fall riverside sunshine in your soul. (Click on one pic to enlarge and scroll. Enjoy!)

The sun is set to shine bright for the rest of the week, bringing another little waft of locals’ summer. Here’s the Rumson-Fair Haven area forecast through the weekend from the National Weather Service …


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Retro Benched RFH Halloween Paraders

RFH Halloween of 1977 with a gaggle of girls
Photo/George Day

Well, it’s about that time for Halloween parades. In fact, Fair Haven’s was on Sunday. And, back in the day, RFH had its own high school Halloween parade.

Some bunny — or a few bunnies and other assorted suspicious characters — got dressed for the occasion, paraded themselves around campus and benched themselves for a spell, too.

The Halloween spirit is in the air. And these senior gaggle of girls embodied it. From controversial, yet timely and popular at the time, Playboy bunny costumes, to Raggedy Ann, a ghost, a cat, a gypsy and whatever else, they were parading and pleased with their choices.

Continue reading Retro Benched RFH Halloween Paraders

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Travel Alert

This week’s Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge replacement construction activity will continue, weather permitting, from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. More girder deliveries and curb installation is planned for most of the week.

Continue reading Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Travel Alert