Scene Around: Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Replacement & Advisory

Yes, you can cross that Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge when you get to it. But there will be some intrusions through Thursday.

The long-planned new bridge is being constructed, as planned, parallel to the old, still standing bridge. However, the activity surrounding the bridge replacement may cause some disruptions in traffic flow to and from Rumson and Sea Bright for those few days, so Monmouth County officials have released a summary of what’s going on and where through Thursday between 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., weather permitting. Take a look at the gallery above for a glimpse into the project (CLICK on one photo to enlarge and scroll.)

They have advised that people should be aware of the following travel disruptions:

Rumson Road, Rumson

  • The eastbound shoulder will be closed and both travel lanes shifted through Thursday.
  • Flaggers may be present to facilitate delivery of construction materials Monday through Thursday

Ocean Avenue (Route 36), Sea Bright

  • Flaggers may be present to facilitate delivery of construction materials through Thursday

Shrewsbury River

  • Construction of the temporary trestles will continue in the water south of the bridge.

Retro Fair Haven TGIF Crew

A little TGIF kind of gathering at the Lang home in Fair Haven circa 1970s
Photo/Lang family

Originally posted on Feb. 25, 2022, we are reprising this one in honor of Jim Butler, who passed away a few days ago … RIP, Mr. Butler. RIP, all. It’s official, no one in this photo remains. The memories sure do, though …

Nothing says “neighborly TGIF” like a look back at what was a common kind of casual gathering of friends just because.

Continue reading Retro Fair Haven TGIF Crew

Remembering Fair Haven’s Jim Butler: The Light Weight in Community Family Matters

Call it luck for some that the smallest of moments carry a ton of weight that embodies a world of light — community light.

Let me tell you about it, with a light heart full of gratitude … The last time I saw forever Fair Havenite and fireman Jim Butler was at his near lifelong friend’s funeral. That was last May.

Continue reading Remembering Fair Haven’s Jim Butler: The Light Weight in Community Family Matters

Focus: Balmy, Palmy Sea Bright Surf & Skyline

There’s nothing quite like seeing the New York skyline as if it’s in the palm of your Sea Bright beach.

And it is, even though the palm trees aren’t indigenous to Sea Bright by a long shot — and a lot longer than the distance to that skyline. But, whatever works to bring the Sea Bright locals’ scene into perspective.

What works is taking the time to take in the view of what’s surrounding you on a summer’s day. It’s what’s home to and in the heart of those in the Rumson-Fair Haven area every day. From the sand to the surf to the palms to the skyline, there’s always something new in the view — something to savor. Something to make you exhale, knowing that you’re home.

Take it all in. Find the subtle differences in perspective. Find the little things. See what matters in the big picture. Exhale the comfort of home.

Enjoy the view, click to enlarge one photo and scroll for the full picture. Find those little things and find out what’s in store this weekend and into next week with the area weather, courtesy of the National Weather Service …

— Photos/Elaine Van Develde exclusively for R-FH Retro

Police Report: Theft, Assault, Drugs, Disorderly, DWI, Criminal Trespass

The following June criminal incidents and arrests were reported by Red Bank police. An arrest does not constitute a conviction.

Continue reading Police Report: Theft, Assault, Drugs, Disorderly, DWI, Criminal Trespass