Gray skies were cleared up with a sun shower of classic cars on Sunday when classics’ engines were revved up for 20th Annual Fair Haven Fire Police & Auxiliary Car Show on the firehouse grounds on Sunday.
Continue reading Focus: Cruisin’ at the Car ShowGalleries
Scene Around: Coffee with Rumson Cops
Rumson police held their second annual casual Coffee with a Cop event on Wednesday and, by all accounts, it was a success.
The two-hour informal chat at Brennan’s Delicatessen was designed “strengthen the partnership between police officers and members of the community,” a Facebook post from the department said.
People were encouraged to stop at the popular deli from 9 to 11 a.m., chat with officers, ask questions and provide feedback to the police department.
Take a look at some photos provided by Rumson police on Facebook for a glimpse into the day. (Just click to enlarge.)
Scene Around: Fair Havenites’ Run for Heroes’ Sake
There’s a lot of casual hometown pride running through Fair Haven and it has to do with a hero’s run in New York and a couple of longtime borough residents, friendship and many years of brotherhood in emergency response.
Continue reading Scene Around: Fair Havenites’ Run for Heroes’ SakeScene Around: Beached for Locals’ Summer
Starting a locals’ summer weekend with the sun and a beach stroll was the way a couple of Rumson-Fair Haven area folks and four-legged friends got their jump start on Friday.
It’s the only way for locals when the sun, sand and surf beckon for a big shoreline hug. They walk, even romp with it — the rejuvenating solace of it all.
Fair Haven Councilwoman Susan Sorensen and Rumsonite Sue Hill Spakowski (and friends) were there in Sea Bright and Monmouth Beach to capture the moments and relish the start to, by all fair weather accounts, the perfect locals summer weekend. Sorensen caught the sunrise in Sea Bright and Spakowski’s best buddies (her dogs) caught the best of times “digging” the beach at Little Monmouth.
From the National Weather Service …
Skies will be clear and sunny with temperatures in the high 70s during the day and high 60s in the evenings all weekend.
Thanks to Sue and Susan for sharing the start of their day and a little beach motivation with all!
Have a locals’ summer moment you’d like to share? Send us your photos at [email protected] … Enjoy the weekend!
Focus: Fair Haven Oktoberfest Fete
There was no rain on the September Oktoberfest parade of festivities on Saturday in Fair Haven. Despite iffy forecasts, the good weather odds won out and so did the fun for the now annual event. There were no lederhosen in sight, but spirits were high.
Take a look for a glimpse into the event … (And don’t forget to click to enlarge each photo in the lower gallery and advance to the next!) Enjoy!
— Elaine Van Develde
Focus: Street Fair Fun
Sunday was a fine locals’ summer day for a locals’ annual tradition — The Red Bank Street Fair.
Continue reading Focus: Street Fair FunFocus: A Fair Finish
The rides are dismantled. The chowder is sold out. The grounds are cleared. Games of chance are won and done. Town tales spun, lifetime friendships rekindled and begun. The 2019 Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair has come to a close for another year, but not before a banner finale.
Here’s a glimpse into fair closing night happenings and people on Saturday, from daylight to dark … (Don’t forget to CLICK on each photo to enlarge! Click again on same photo to advance to the next. Enjoy!)
— Elaine Van Develde
Focus: A Fair Firefighters’ Night
A little rain didn’t dampen spirits for the Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair’s Firefighters’ Night.
Continue reading Focus: A Fair Firefighters’ NightFocus: A Fair Start in Fair Haven
Call it a fair beginning. The end of the summer signals the start of The Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair — more than a century’s worth of big tradition in the small peninsula borough.
Continue reading Focus: A Fair Start in Fair HavenFocus: RFH Class of ’79 & Good Times
If the song fits …
It was the summer of ’79. Bean bag chairs and Sony Walkmans were cool. Trivial Pursuit was launched. McDonald’s introduced its Happy Meal. A gallon of gas cost 79 cents. Disco dancing was still cruising in popularity. And the number one song on the charts on Aug. 17, 1979 was Good Times.
In Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) land, good times are exactly what a bunch of seniors who had just graduated in June were after. It was that summer of senior year — a summer of fun, milestones and memories. Lifetime connectors.
Bonds. Time. Trends. Music. Dance. Good Times was fitting in that summer of ’79. They were all good times; even the worst were the best. And four decades later, the song was the perfect time capsule to capture the RFH Class of ’79’s 40th reunion on that day, Aug. 17.
In RFH land, while bean bag chairs and Walkmans weren’t spotted on the gala weekend (that may still being going) and games of Trivial Pursuit were likely not played. The class was still cruising around the towns to the old haunts, like Barnacle Bill’s, Undici (formerly the ol’ Hook, Line & Sinker hangout), Even Tide, Salt Creek Grille, Donovan’s and just about any other of their hometown streets. The alligator shirts, topsiders and Rumson Roulette belts have since fazed out, but those good times live on.
“These are those good times! Leave your cares behind” and take a look … (and don’t forget to click to enlarge!)
Thanks to Jackie Iglesias Leslie and Karen Apy for the photos! Congrats on your reuniting, RFH Class of ’79!
Simple Summer: Gone Fishing
We’ve said it before and now we’ll say it again …
It’s summertime and the living is, well, let’s say pretty fishy if you live in the Rumson-Fair Haven area.
In fact, it’s downright status quo when you grow up in the area to do so with some sand between your toes, a fishing pole over your shoulder, a crabbing net and trap and a bucket in which to tote your catch home — even if that catch is a couple of river rocks, some seaweed and a dried out crab shell.
It’s part of the magic of living by the Navesink River — growing up Rumson-Fair Haven style.
It’s a simple concept. And it’s one of those fabulous things in life that’s free. A walk, a view, a little fishing for a great summer day.
So, the Simple Summer feature today is all about fishing for some fun down by the river — honing in on a little spot by and on the Fair Haven Dock.
The catch is a keeper.
Take a look at our slideshow above for the whole picture. (And don’t forget to click on the lower right icon to enlarge!) See you down by the river!
RFH Graduation Tidbits & Pics
It was graduation time for the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Class of 2019’s 230 seniors last Wednesday at Monmouth University.
Continue reading RFH Graduation Tidbits & Pics
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