Tag Archives: spring

Retro RFH Boys’ Ball Play

RFH boys play ball in the 1970s
Photo/George Day

Play ball!

That’s just what these RFH boys of the 1970s did, and with frequency. There was no major organization or uniforms involved in their free time ball games. It was just a few RFH guys, a ball, some mitts, bats, topsiders and Adidas instead of cleats, some groovin’ 70s clothes and a lot of fun.

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Retro RFH Spring Fever Frolicking

Some spring parking lot fun with RFHers in the 1970s Photo/George Day
Some spring parking lot fun with RFHers in the 1970s
Photo/George Day

Reprise! Just because … Let’s hear it for spring fever and waiting for the sun to reappear!

OK, so the spring weather outside has not been so consistently delightful lately. But, the sun has made some great cameo appearances.

So, take a look back to the 1970s when spring fever kicked in enough to get a couple of RFH guys in the mood to put those gloves on and take a little kangaroo hop outside the Junior Lounge, probably on a “free.” They were barely clad in those stylish 70s gym shorts and ready to duke it out — or at least dance around the notion.

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Focus: Signs of Spring; Renewed Hope

Spring. It’s been long-awaited and it’s here. With it come signs of hope, growth, rebirth and fertility that was stifled by winter’s frozen grip. Stagnated.

Buds are beginning to bloom in sparse trees along the riverscape. Garden perennials are popping up with the sun. Bulbs about to pop with life are peering through remnants of the dead of winter. Abandoned laid eggs lie still in a half-made shriveled flower pot nest that a mourning dove ironically cast aside on the last cold day.

All comes back … to grow. To bring life and warmth back to the sparse riverscape, the yard, the flower pot nesting spot.

Sun up, signs of spring out. Take notice and soak it all up with the sun. Hope is here.

Take a look at our snapshots of little signs of spring above and take it all in.

**And don’t forget to click on one image in the gallery to enlarge and scroll! Enjoy!**

Interesting tidbit: Did you know that mourning doves have a habit of being terrible nest makers, but fabulous parents? True story. Ironic.

Here’s this week’s weather outlook for the Rumson-Fair Haven area from the National Weather Service …

Retro RFH Spring Fever Frolicking

A day of spring boxing in the parking lot at RFH in the 1970s Photo/George Day
A day of spring boxing in the parking lot at RFH in the 1970s
Photo/George Day

A reprise in honor of the fight for a break from the chill in the winter air and some real spring fever, close encounters and emergence from omicron winter isolation …

Yes, spring fever is spreading rapidly as we all anxiously await more sunshine, and blooming of warmer days. Apparently, this retro RFH spring frolicking in the high school parking lot was about more than a little spring fever in the 1970s.

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Focus: Riverfront Sunny Daze Spring Forward

To quote the sad hope sentiment in that red-headed orphan Annie song, “The sun’ll come out tomorrow.”

According to the National Weather Service forecast, it will. It will also peer through the clouds a bit on Wednesday. The rest of the week is a dank April showers washout.

So, here’s a little clear day’s view on the Navesink at the iconic Barnacle Bill’s and looking toward Highlands from the Shrewsbury at Sea Bright. The glimpse is a reminder of soothing sunny days and a better outlook for spring and summer.

Here’s that forecast for the Rumson-Fair Haven area … (And click on one of the photos above to enlarge and scroll. Enjoy the view and sunny springtime outlook!)

Focus: Riverfront Sunny Side Leg Up

It’s always good to get a leg up on brighter days, especially when it involves a simple riverside adventure, a friendly hand from a childhood friend.

The picture says it all.

Soaking up the sun on the horizon is more than symbolic these days. Basking in it all at an iconic spot down by the Navesink River at Barnacle Bill’s in Rumson is, well, tradition. But it’s more poignant than ever as we begin to head out of pandemic darkness and into the light. Better weather ushers that better view into a fuzzy warm focus.

Looking to the bright side of spring …

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Focus: Bloomin’ Fair Haven Spring

Spring is officially in the air and budding up all over in Fair Haven — from home to the Navesink riverfront and in between.

Take a look at some of the scenery. (And click to enlarge and scroll!) Enjoy! Ahhhhhhh …

Scene Around: Rumson Dog Daze of Spring

As everyone preps to spring forward in time, Daylight Saving, that is, it was a dog day afternoon of sunshine on the beach for many, yesterday and today.

Rumson dog Nancy (right) took a romp on the beach at Sandy Hook with Winter (left), her dog friend. In the ironic little play date pairing, the two did a little digging and imprinting and found one another’s shadow.

Nancy, the four-legged child of Rumsonite Sue Hill-Spakowski, is quite the poser. She has been seen around the towns making some keen nature observations, having tea and cavorting.

According to Nancy, spring is definitely in the air and in her step. And she’s right.

Predictions for the rest of the week and weekend, according to the National Weather Service, are that, despite a little rainfall Friday after 2 p.m. and a possibility of some snow mixing with it overnight, the outlook for the weekend is a sunny one with temperatures reaching a high of about 53 degrees on Sunday.

Forget the groundhog. Nancy knows all. Where shall we see Rumson dog Nancy next?

See something fun or interesting? Take a snapshot. Send it to us at evd@rfhretro.com and we’ll include it in our Scene Around feature for the area. Send photos with proper credit only. Focus and find the good little things that count in your community.