Photo/George Day
Finally! The spring weather on Monday was perfect for a little sunning and sitting on that grassy knoll outside — somewhere outside.
So, the Retro Pic of the (George) Day pays homage to that idea with a look back at a few RFH students taking in some springtime and, perhaps, touched a bit by spring fever.
This one has made the rounds before and, surprisingly, while the shot is of four RFH students back in the 1970s, photographer George Day tells us it was not taken at RFH. Know where it was taken?
And, of course, guess who’s who in the photo. The couple to the right were a pretty steady item for a while in high school, as memory serves this slightly rusty old RFH alum editor. The other two guys? Well, one is still in Rumson and a dad to RFHers present and past. The other is a well-known funeral home owner and former Fair Havenite.
Everyone who knows them can usually count on running into one, the other or both around the towns for one reason or another — from school event to memorial.
Know these RFH alumni?
— Elaine Van Develde
Thanks, once again, to George Day for this RFH gem!
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