Tag Archives: Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School

Retro RFH Sunny Daze Chat & Ride

RFH girls of the 1970s out on a free period
Photo/RFH yearbook

Well, the sun came out and dried up all the wintry yuck.

And when the sun comes out, it’s always been a rite of passage for RFHers to get outside. No, we’re not talking about cutting class. We’re just saying that when the sun calls after a stretch of yuck, RFH students have always answered with at least a trip to the front, side, or back of the high school — or Piping Rock Park … or the old Campus Luncheonette.

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In Memoriam: RFH Class of ’95 Grad, Paul D. Hatch, 47

The loved ones of Paul Hatch, who passed away in 2023, recently released his obituary …

Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Class of 1995 graduate, Paul D. Hatch, beloved and devoted son, friend, brother, and uncle passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on July 21, 2023, in Little Silver. He was 47.

The family held a private remembrance in the summer.

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Scene Around: RFH Girls Indoor Track Runs with a Championship Streak

They are the champions! In case you didn’t hear or see the hoopla —as in beeping, siren-blaring, light-flashing from a fire company- and police-escorted parade — the RFH Girls Indoor Track & Field team won the 2024-25 NJSIAA Group 2 state championship.

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Retro RFH Class Prez Stuff

It’s the stuff … ing presidents are made of — or something like that.

In honor of Presidents Day, we’re honed in on presidents of the class kind — not country. And there have been many class presidents at RFH, some of whom have stuck out like beacons of, well, zaniness. Call them fearless fun leaders.

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Retro RFH Twirly Halftime Show Directors

The usual chatter about the Super Bowl halftime is always incessant. It’s still going on all over social media. And much like the seemingly nonstop beat, beat, beat of the music, those memories of the steady ol’ high school marching band rhythm drone on in the minds of retro thinkers.

So, we march to the beat and remember those RFH halftime shows of yesteryear. The memories are all about the high school band and a timeless show that hasn’t seen its football field stage or basketball court in decades.

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