Tag Archives: feature

Retro RFH Grad Moments

It’s half past pandemic graduation time. The RFH Class of 2020 had its drive-by celebration last night. A virtual ceremony is to come and still more.

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Retro Fair Haven Day with Iconic Fair Havenites

Saturday was a tough day for Fair Havenites longing to keep tradition going, but flogged by a pandemic. It would have been the eighth actual Fair Haven Day on Saturday. The day that started it the annual Fair Haven Day tradition was the Fair Haven Centennial Celebration in 2012.

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Rumson Police Take Their Car Theft Message to the Streets

Frustrated with a years’ long problem looming over the area in surge spurts and the unheeding of advice regarding it, Rumson police have taken their message to the streets with lit signage: “Car thieves are back! Lock your cars!”

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