Tag Archives: Fair Haven

In Memoriam: Rumson-Raised Longtime Fair Havenite, Rumson High ’53 Grad, Fair Haven Fields Natural Area Pioneer, Doris Moraller, 89

Rumson-raised longtime Fair Havenite, Doris Swenson Moraller, passed away peacefully on March 11. She was 89.

Continue reading In Memoriam: Rumson-Raised Longtime Fair Havenite, Rumson High ’53 Grad, Fair Haven Fields Natural Area Pioneer, Doris Moraller, 89

In Memoriam: Longtime Fair Havenite Jim Wilson, 91

When Death’s dark stream I ferry o’er,
A time that surely shall come
In Heaven itself I’ll ask no more
Than just a Highland welcome.

A Highland Welcome
Robert Burns, Scottish poet

Longtime Fair Havenite James “Jim” Wilson passed away on Feb. 16 in the comfort and care of his wife and caregivers. He was 91.

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A Birthday Wish: Going Back Home with Mom

Our annual reprise honoring the inspiration for R-FH Retro — my mom, Sally Van Develde — on what would have been her 102nd birthday. A birthday wish … Happy Heavenly Birthday, Mom. You remain in the hearts of so many … Besides, I won’t let them forget.

“If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with! Is that right?” ~ Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz

For the love of home and a Fair Haven mom … that’s right.

Sometimes a birthday without her is about lighting the candles, making the wish, sustaining the simple legacy of going home, staying home with my mom, Sally Van Develde.

Today would have been her 102nd birthday. If she had lived to blow out all those candles on her cake, I wondered what she would have done. What her wish would have been.

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Old News: Valentine’s Day Sweet, Sour and Doughy

A Valentine’s Day reprise from last year …

Call it Valentine’s sustenance. Since Cupid’s arrow was first slung back in the dark ages, there have been hard hits, softer ones and total misses since. But there’s always been a little bit of sweet, sour and downright doughy satiation for the Valentine’s Day palate, with a little kooky sprinkled on top.

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In Memoriam: Former Fair Haven, Little Silver Resident, Model, Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Ann Gill

“It is with a heavy heart filled with amazing memories, we (family) share the sudden, but peaceful, passing of Elizabeth Ann Gill this past Friday evening at her residence in Tinton Falls.”  

Continue reading In Memoriam: Former Fair Haven, Little Silver Resident, Model, Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Ann Gill

Old News: Stirring the Pot at the Spaghetti Dinner

The following is a reprise of our Old News column, originally posted on Jan. 30, 2024, about the Fair Haven Fire Department’s Spaghetti Dinner, because tonight’s the night for the longtime annual tradition. Mangia!

People have been filling their gullets with a heaping helping of spaghetti and meatballs at the Fair Haven Fire Department’s annual spaghettini dinner for several decades. And tonight will be no exception.

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