Category Archives: Police and Fire

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Crime Close By: Theft, Broken Window, Graffiti

The following criminal incidents were obtained from Red Bank police records:

• An incident of criminal mischief was reported on Jan. 30. The victim reported that an unknown person broke a window at a Newman Springs Road residence.

Patrolman Michael Zadlock took the report.

• The owner of a store on Broad Street reported on Jan. 31 that two males and one female entered the store, shopped around and when they left, set off the alarm. The two fled the store and when they were found it was discovered that they had stolen a mink coat and a Louis Vuitton handbag.

Patrolman Michael Zadlock took the report.

Continue reading Crime Close By: Theft, Broken Window, Graffiti

Crime Close By: DWI, Theft, Assault, Disorderly

The following arrest and crime reports were obtained from recent Red Bank police records. Arrests do not constitute convictions.

Criminal incident report

• An iPhone was reported stolen from a cafe at 21 Monmouth St. on Jan. 28.

Patrolman Kristin Altimari took the report.


• Samantha Dietrich, 27, of Shrewsbury, was arrested by Patrolman Sean Hauschildt on Jan. 28 in the area of N. Bridge Avenue and charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance (CDS), less than 50 grams of marijuana.

Continue reading Crime Close By: DWI, Theft, Assault, Disorderly

Crime Close By: Criminal Mischief, Theft

The following recent reports of criminal incidents next door in Red Bank were obtained from police records:

• An incident of criminal mischief — the entire length of a parked vehicle was keyed on both sides — was reported to have occurred sometime between Jan. 15 and 16 on Locust Avenue.

Patrolman Michael Zadlock took the report.

• The victim of an alleged incident of criminal mischief reported that on Jan. 18 an unknown person shattered both the far rear and driver’s side rear windows on a vehicle parked on Union Street.

Patrolman Patrick Kennedy took the report.

• The theft on Jan. 9 of a handicapped placard from a car on Maple Avenue was reported on Jan. 21.

Patrolman Cevin Albert took the report.

Cops Ask for Aid in Finding $1.7K Shoplifter


Call it a case of cutting to somewhat of a chase.

Over the Navesink River in Middletown, police are asking for the public’s assistance in locating a woman who they say stole close to $2,000 in razors, over-the-counter medications and hygiene products from the ShopRite on Route 35.

Police posted video still photos of the woman allegedly stealing the merchandise from the store on Jan. 17 and 19, a post on the Middletown Township Police Facebook page said.

On Jan. 17, she allegedly stole roughly $725 in medication and hygiene products; and on Jan. 19 she allegedly lifted $1,000 worth of razors.

Anyone who may be able to identify the woman or offer information is asked to contact Detective Laurence Schachtel at 732-615-2062.

Photo/screenshot from Middletown Township Police Department Facebook page.

Prosecutor: Public’s Help Sought in Identifying Body


In circulating a composite sketch, investigators are seeking the public’s help in identifying a man whose body washed ashore at the Gateway Marina in Highlands on Dec. 30, 2013, Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni announced in a press release.

A joint investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office and the New Jersey State Police has, as of yet, found no matches to the DNA profile of the man in the FBI’s Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), the release said. There have been no missing persons reports filed with police for anyone matching the description of the deceased man, either, it added.

The man, according to a forensic examination report, is a young white man in his 20s and not of American Indian, Japanese, Chinese or Guatemalan descent, the release said.

The composite sketch, rendered by the New Jersey State Police Forensic Artist Unit, depicts an image of what the young man may have looked like at the time of his death, the release said, noting that facial features, hair length and coloring may vary.

If any features of the man in the composite look familiar, or you believe you may have additional information concerning this case, call Detective Andrea Tozzi of the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office, at 1-800-533-7443, or New Jersey State Police Detective Steve Urbanski, at 609-882-2000 ext. 2554.

Crime Close By: Home Invasion Robbery, Theft, Criminal Mischief

The following incident reports were obtained directly from recent police records in the neighboring borough of Red Bank:

• A theft on Bridge Avenue was reported on Dec. 18. The victim reported that he left his bags, containing a new Android phone, a gold bracelet and medication, on the sidewalk outside of a store, and when he returned, a minute later, they were gone.

PatrolmanTanner Shea took the report.

• An incident of criminal mischief at a Basset Place residence was reported to have occurred on Dec. 23. The victim reported that someone damaged her driveway and front steps by throwing orange paint on them.

Patrolman Kristin Altimari took the report.

• A theft was reported to have occurred on Dec. 28 at a West Front Street restaurant/bar. The victim reported that her purse, containing credit cards and an iPhone, was stolen from the back of a chair.

Sgt. Joey Fields took the report.

• A Dec. 29 incident of criminal mischief at Montgomery Terrace was reported. The victim reported that someone smashed the passenger side of a parked vehicle.

Patrolman Patrick Kennedy took the report.

• The alleged Dec. 15 theft of diamond earrings from a locker at a Maple Avenue day spa was reported on Jan. 3.  Inv. Jorge Torres.

• A theft was reported to have occurred on Jan. 3 at a Catherine Street residence. The victim reported that a shopping cart was stolen from the hallway of a residence.

• A home invasion robbery was reported to have occurred at a Pearl Street multi-residence at 7:43 p.m. on Jan. 3.

The victim reported that two unknown black males, wearing ski masks and holding semi-automatic handguns, broke into his bedroom, assaulted him and demanded money. The victim reported that he did not have any cash and the alleged robbers fled.

Patrolman Cevin Albert took the report.

• The theft of a jacket from a West Front Street restaurant/bar was reported to have occurred on Jan. 4.

• An incident of criminal mischief on East Westside Avenue was reported to have occurred on Jan. 6 and 7.  The victim reported that car tires were slashed and the windshield was cracked.

Patrolman Shane Dengel took the report.

Sea of Blue Extends to Show of Support for Local Police

By Elaine Van Develde

You may have seen them popping up all around the Rumson-Fair Haven area — blue signs of support for local police.

The solemn show — blue ribbons, blue lights, blue anything peppering the area — has been dubbed the Sea of Blue Ribbons campaign.

And it continues through Dec. 31.

Continue reading Sea of Blue Extends to Show of Support for Local Police

Police: Area Man Arrested After Allegedly Threatening Assault on Fair Haven Girlfriend

The following information was culled directly from police records. Arrests to not constitute convictions.

A young Highlands man, who had active warrants out of Fair Haven for his arrest, was arrested in Highlands on Oct. 29 after “an early morning incident that started in Highlands and ended in Fair Haven,” police records said.

Levi Soza, 24, allegedly threatened his Fair Haven girlfriend, violating a restraining order, according to police records. He was also charged with criminal trespass and burglary.

Soza is currently being held at Monmouth County jail in lieu of $28,000 bail, pending a Nov. 13 court date, according to police.

Fair Haven police also reported the following arrests and incidents for the month of October … 

 A River Road business owner reported an attempted break-in on Oct. 4. Sgt. Jesse Dyksta and Ptl. Koetzner responded and observed what appeared to be pry marks on an outside door. No losses were reported.

Detective Stephen Schneider is investigating.

• Douglas Denoia, 25, of Ocean, was arrested on Oct. 6 and charged with possession of a radio capable of receiving police, fire or emergency medical communications while in the commission of a crime.

Sgt. Jesse Dykstra signed the complaint.

• A Princeton Road resident reported on Oct. 9 that an unknown person had stolen a dry cleaner bag containing clothing from their front porch.

• Jeffrey Kowal Jr., 18, Red Bank, was arrested by Patrolman Eric Patton on Oct. 13 and charged with possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, following a motor vehicle stop.

Kowal was also found to have an active contempt warrant out of Middletown in the amount of $1000. He was released after posting full cash bail, pending a court appearance.

• Sergio Varela-Limon, 25, Highlands, was arrested on Oct. 15 by Patrolman William Logrotteria and charged with driving while intoxicated following a motor vehicle stop.

• A Harrision Avenue resident reported on Oct. 15 that a girl’s bicycle was stolen from their property sometime during the previous evening.

Special Officer II Robert Henne took the report.

• Jeanne Manigrasso, 44, of Eatontown, was arrested on Oct. 29 on the charge of an active warrant out of Tinton Falls in the amount of $1000 following a motor vehicle stop.

Manigrasso was processed and released after posting full cash bail. Special Officer Brooks Robinson was the arresting officer.

• A Third Street resident reported on Oct. 30 that a savings account was opened in her name fraudulently by someone else.

The incident is being investigated by Cpl. John Waltz. No losses have been reported at this time.



R-FH Area Mischief Night, Halloween Rules

The rumors are not true.

If you heard that Gov. Chris Christie had cancelled Halloween trick-or-treating due to Ebola concerns, you heard wrong. And there’s no Hurricane Sandy to ruin it all this year, either.

Halloween will happen as usual in the Rumson-Fair Haven area.

Curfews for both towns are 8 p.m. on both Mischief Night and Halloween. The rules are the usual.

Fair Haven police have outlined them, just so there is no confusion.

On Mischief Night … 

• There is ZERO tolerance for anyone found out past curfew (8 p.m.);

• Anyone found in possession of toilet paper, shaving cream, eggs, soap, silly string, fireworks and “any other item that could be used for criminal mischief” will find themselves in trouble with police.

On Halloween …

• Trick-or-treaters under 18 and not supervised by an adult must be off the roads by 8 p.m.;

• Never, ever go trick-or-treating alone;

• Exercise caution around strangers both on the street and at homes;

• Do not go inside homes;

• Do not eat candy until you get it home and it is inspected by parents;

•  Wear a highly-visible or reflective costume, walk on sidewalks and walkways and carry a flashlight and cell phone.

The main message: Stay safe, stay out of trouble and have fun!

Happy Halloween!

A Look Back at a Fair Haven Accident

Police activity when a pedestrian was hit by a car on the last night of the Fair Haven Firemen's Fair. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Police activity when a pedestrian was hit by a car on the last night of the Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair. Photo/Elaine Van Develde

As the Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair was closing up on its final night, the otherwise routine, tame evening was a bit rocked when a pedestrian was clipped by an SUV while crossing the street in the crossing lane in front of the firehouse.

Police cars quickly converged. While the young girl sustained minor injuries and was helped up and across the street, the driver of the vehicle that struck her, Rumson resident Dawn L. Capalbo, was placed under arrest and charged with driving while intoxicated and reckless driving, according to the Fair Haven Police report.

Were you there? R-FH Retro just happened to be. Have any photos of the recent or distant past in the area? Send them over to us at [email protected].

Arresting News in Fair Haven

The following arrest and report information was obtained from Fair Haven police records. Arrests do not indicate convictions:

• Douglas Denoia, 25, of Ocean, was arrested on Sept. 28 by Sgt. Jesse Dykstra following a traffic stop. He was charged with unlawful possession of two knives along with several traffic citations.

Denoia was processed and released after posting $3,000 bail pending a court appearance.

• Paul Ashbridge, 24, of Hazlet, was arrested by Patrolman Dwayne Reevey on Sept. 24 and charged with possession of under 50 grams of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia following a traffic stop.

Ashbridge was processed and released pending a court appearance in Fair Haven Court.

• John Frank, 53, of Fair Haven, was arrested by Sgt. Jesse Dykstra on Sept. 22 and charged with driving while intoxicated following two separate motor vehicle accidents in the borough.

Frank was processed and released pending a court appearance in Fair Haven Court.

• A Haggers Lane resident reported on Sept. 19 that more than $600 was removed from his bank account by an unknown subject(s).

Detective Stephen Schneider is investigating.

• A Brookside Ave resident reported on Sept. 13 the theft of a beach cruiser from the Knollwood School bike rack.

Cpl. Jeff Jarvis took the report.

• Greg Russo, 47, of Rumson, was arrested on Sept. 9 on the charge of having an active warrant out of Bloomfield Township. Russo posted full cash bail before his release.

S/O Brooks Robinson was the arresting officer.

• Pierro M. Coccurellocafolla, 52, of Long Branch was arrested on Sept. 5, by Patrolman Dwayne Reevey, and charged with driving on a suspended license, which was revoked from a previous DWI.

• William Hartigan, 36, of Red Bank, was arrested on the charge of having an active warrant out of Secaucus. Hartigan was released after posting full cash bail. S/O Brooks Robinson was the arresting Officer.

• Zackary Slootsky, 20, of Fair Haven was arrested on Sept. 4 on the charge of having an outstanding warrant out of Fair Haven Borough.

Slootsky posted full cash bail before his release pending a court appearance. S/O Brooks Robinson was the arresting officer.

• Rudolph Kastner, 50, of Fair Haven, was arrested on Sept. 3 on the charge of having two active warrants out of Sea Bright.

Kastner was released R.O.R pending a new court appearance in Sea Bright Borough. S/O Robert Henne was the arresting officer.