Retro RFH Boys’ Summer Dive

Taking a dive in the Monmouth Beach Club pool with some RFH guys in the 1970s. Photo/RFH Class of '79 reunion slideshow
Taking a dive in the Monmouth Beach Club pool with some RFH guys in the 1970s.
Photo/RFH Class of ’79 reunion slideshow Paul Hughes

Summer reprise originally posted in the summer of 2015, just because … What’s summer without some crazy RFH guys and a dive?

Swim, anyone? Waterless ballet? More like whatever works in a cement pond without the water. And this bunch of RFH guys made it work. 

It’s summertime and the livin’ is hot, hot, hot these days. So, today’s Retro Pic of the Day shows some RFH boys diving right into the season at the Monmouth Beach Club pool back in the late 1970s.

OK, it’s probably a staged shot before the pool was filled. Nonetheless, it says a lot about the spirit of summer fun in the Rumson-Fair Haven area.

No one better to spread some of those toasty warm vibes than a look back at some carefree fun at the hands of teen guys.

Everybody in the pool!

Recognize any of these guys? What was your favorite summer spot and/or fun?

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