Photo/Rumson PD
There’s a new police officer on the beat in Rumson.
Continue reading Scene Around: New Rumson Officer on the Police BeatThere’s a new police officer on the beat in Rumson.
Continue reading Scene Around: New Rumson Officer on the Police BeatAfter 25 years, another familiar face on the Rumson police force will be officially off the beat as of Nov. 1.
Continue reading Scene Around: An Officer & a RetirementThere comes a time when a policeman changes his beat and gets a badge of a different kind to walk, or ride, it.
Rumson Police Sgt. Peter Koenig retired from a 28-year (combined) career with the Rumson and Sea Bright police departments in July. On Aug. 9, Rumson Police Chief Scott Paterson issued Koenig his retirement badge and ID.
With that official off-the-beat gesture, the Rumson Police Department wished “Pete a safe and happy retirement,” the department’s representatives announced on their Facebook page.
Koenig began his career in 1991 with the Sea Bright Police Department. He transferred to Rumson in 1996, where he attained the rank of sergeant in 2005 and completed his tour as an officer of the law this past July.
Congratulations Sgt. Koenig!
It’s not every day that a third-generation Fair Havenite gets sworn into neighboring Rumson’s police department and proposes to his fiancé in Sea Bright. No, just Tuesday.
Continue reading Scene Around: An Officer and a ProposalIn light of a recent report of one stolen vehicle and several others having been rummaged through in the overnight hours of Jan. 17 through 18, Rumson police are advising that residents lock their vehicles and remove key fobs, a Rumson Police Department Facebook post said.
Continue reading Rumson Police Alert Community to Car Theft, ‘Rummagings’Rumson police released a statement and photos on Wednesday of the promotion of Special Law Enforcement Officer Class II Jessica Caffey.
Continue reading Rumson Police Congratulate One of Their Own
Sometimes it’s just the little things, like helping a small animal, that put a smile on a police officer’s face on a routine work day.
If you like crabbing and want to contribute to a cause, the Ninth Annual Rumson PBA Crab Tournament may be the event for you.
The event, which involves a crabbing tournament from 6 to 10 p.m. on Aug. 15 costs $65 per boat and proceeds benefit Monmouth County Ducks Unlimited for Wetlands Conservation and Hunters Helping Heroes.
First, second and third place awards will be given for the most crabs caught and a grand prize will be awarded for the largest crab.
There are two more days to sign up, according to a Rumson Police Department post on Facebook. And, t-shirts and sweatshirts are for sale as well.
Call the Rumson Police Department to register or click here for more information.
A car went up in flames at Rumson Country Club on Father’s Day; and, just about as quickly as the fire ignited, it was extinguished by first responders.
With scant details, the Rumson Police Department posted a 24-second video of the Sunday fire at about 3 p.m. and the firemen putting it out.
“Great job by The Rumson Fire Department extinguishing a vehicle fire at the Rumson Country Club,” the post said. “Happy Father’s Day from R.P.D.”
Click here to see the full video.
No further details were available as of press time. Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect will add information when it becomes available.
— Photo/screenshot of Rumson Police Department Facebook page video
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