There is a season … and this fall was one for the reuniting of two Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Tower Player alumni for theatrical arts’ sake.

Find out what’s going on in the RFH Regional High School and Rumson and Fair Haven school districts.
There is a season … and this fall was one for the reuniting of two Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Tower Player alumni for theatrical arts’ sake.
And the band played and marched on … right into a big win.
Rumson’s Forrestdale School has been recognized as a 2024 National Blue Ribbon School.
You could say that the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Tower Singers have distinguished themselves among vocal musicians.
In the name of the late Keith McHeffey, there are now two more grads of his Alma Mater added to the KDM Foundation’s scholarship list.
It was a milestone moment met with a lot of cheers and tears. The Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Class of 2024 graduated at Monmouth University, this era’s graduation venue tradition, on Friday night.
Continue reading Focus: A Glimpse at RFH Grads’ MomentsA selfie is worth 113 students’ words. Getting the authenticity of the individuality picture was the message relayed to 113 eighth grade graduates of Forrestdale School in Rumson on Monday evening.
It was no performance.
When Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School Performing Arts (PAS) seniors got together for a banquet recently, it was more like a very real final bow to one another for a bittersweet goodbye flush with impromptu performance and love of the arts and one another.
And the winner is … Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) for four 2024 Basie Awards.
They made it official.
Nineteen Rumson-Fair Haven (RFH) Regional High School student-athletes on May 8 signed Letters of Intent, officially committing to continue their academic and athletic careers at colleges and universities across the country.
Call it a case of Rumson junior high honor students honoring their environment. The beach is basically their back yard and they’re keeping it clean.
They got the callback!
The 2024 Basie Award nominations have been announced; and, Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) performers, directors and crew got thunderous audition applause with 17 chances at award wins for on-stage and behind-the-scenes work in two shows.
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