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RFH’s Kate Fahey a Tennis Star

The following is an edited press release from Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School:

What started as a 3-year-old hitting tennis balls in emulation of her parents has led to the first NJSIAA State Singles Championship in the history of Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH).

RFH senior and tournament top seed Kate Fahey defeated Millburn’s Stephanie Schrage with scores of 6-3, 3-6, and 6-1 on Oct.18 in West Windsor.

And while she stood alone in victory on the tennis court that day, Kate has plenty of praise for all those who have supported her along the way.

“I have my parents to thank for introducing me to the sport and instilling a love for it” said Kate, who noted that they still play competitively.

Kate credits her first private coach, Ray Kuzava of New Shrewsbury Racket Club, for teaching her the fundamentals of the sport beginning at the age of 8 and providing her with a firm foundation. Her current coach, Catarina Ryan, who began working with Fahey when she was 13, is described as “a mentor and friend as well as a coach.”

During her sophomore year at RFH in 2012, Fahey reached the NJSIAA State Singles Championship Final but lost to Lexi Borr of Westfield. She then left RFH and dedicated her junior year to competition in United States Tennis Association tournaments.

After careful consideration, Kate returned for her senior year at RFH. She ended her senior season with a record of 23-0.

“It was just so nice to be back at RFH, and I love all of the girls on the team as well as Coach Manley,” said Kate. “They are just an extremely talented and wonderful group.

“I am definitely happy with my decision to come back!”

Next year Fahey will play for the University of Michigan, to which she made a verbal commitment in January of 2014.

“I made a commitment that was considered early for tennis, but after visiting the campus and meeting the coach and the players I was sure that this was where I wanted to be,” she said. “It is a great fit for me academically and athletically, and it already feels like home.”

If you guessed that Fahey has her eye on a bigger prize, you are correct.

“I plan to work very hard and try to improve at the University of Michigan, so that I will be successful after graduation.” said Kate. “I definitely want to play professionally.”

Kate is the daughter of Elena and Tom Fahey of Fair Haven.

Doing the RFH Reunion Dance

RFH's Class of '78 parties. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
RFH’s Class of ’78 parties. Photo/Elaine Van Develde

By Elaine Van Develde

The Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Class of ’78 has a problem.

Classmates have no concept of the passage of time — ahem … their age. They partied for three days without skipping a beat. The party started on a Friday night in August of last year with some cocktails and dancing at Woody’s then Even Tide in Sea Bright.


What 70s dance do you think this trio was doing? What song were they dancing to? Was there even a song?

Knollwood Students Experience Municipal Government at Work

By Elaine Van Develde

Fair Haven students had a lesson in civics on Monday.

As part of a now annual tradition, the Fair Haven Borough Council conducted one of its meetings at Knollwood School. And the kids learned some things about local government policy that they did not necessarily understand.

For one, members of the governing body told the group that if you want to be heard, you need to speak up and go to meetings.

And, said Council President Jonathan Peters, “It’s always best to approach us first … ask us your question. Don’t yell at us right away. Just ask us what you need an answer to and if you don’t get the answer, then you can yell at us.”

Councilman Rowland Wilhelm called attention to the fact that two women who have lived in the borough for decades, Ruth Blaser and Susan O’Brien, are at every meeting “holding us accountable.”

Like it or not, he said, the two exemplify what residents’ rights are all about. They are usually at every single meeting, “keeping us in check,” he said. Blaser asked council, among other things, if they’d consider having an open public meeting, agenda-free, to get people in town together when more are available, perhaps on a Saturday.

Mayor Ben Lucarelli explained something that he acknowledged many people don’t understand — what type of government their town is working under.

In Fair Haven, for example, the form of government, he said, is that of Borough Council. “It’s a form of municipal government that has a strong council and weak mayor,” he said. “What that means is that the council members are the ones who vote on all the local laws.”

The mayor, if necessary, breaks ties only. He does not customarily vote. He, on the other hand, sets agendas and has veto power.

Council took questions from the student body, many of whom took the opportunity to ask questions.

Some questions included those about pot holes around town, the pending lights at Fair Haven Fields, recycling and open space acquisitions.

Council also recognized its newly-elected member, Aimee Humphreys, and invited her to join them for a first time in executive session.

Check out our photos from the meeting.

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Stay tuned for more council action at the meeting and our interview with Aimee Humphreys.

Rewind: Picking a Fair Winner

Tom Kirman spins the wheel for a winner at the 2014 Fair Haven Firemen's Fair. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Tom Kirman spins the wheel for a winner at the 2014 Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair. Photo/Elaine Van Develde

As the cold sets in, the Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair and the end of summer seem like a distant memory.

But it always warms the heart to take a look back and forward to the next one.

Most people reappear manning the same booths from year to year. Tom Kirman is always at this one. Do you remember the name of it?

Veterans Day in Rumson, Fair Haven

By Elaine Van Develde

Both the boroughs of Rumson and Fair Haven will commemorate Veterans Day on the same day, same time — Nov. 11 at 11 a.m..

“The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month,” Fair Haven Mayor Ben Lucarelli said.

In Rumson, the ceremony will take place in the usual spot by the war memorial in Victory Park. It will feature members of the armed forces and veterans of various wars as highlighted speakers and participants.

In Fair Haven, the service will take place at Memorial Park. Remaining World War II vets from the borough will be in attendance, the town’s oldest living World War II and Korean War vet, Ray Taylor, 93, will be a featured speaker.

“He’s (Taylor) is a very special man,” Lucarelli said. “It’s always an honor to hear him speak.”

Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect will feature photo galleries of both events.


A Little Toilet Paper Mischief


Mischief Night results on Fair Haven Road. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Mischief Night results on Fair Haven Road. Photo/Elaine Van Develde


Maypole? Well, it’s either block-long try at one or a prime example of good ol’ Mischief Night toilet papering.

The guess is the latter. Fair Haven Road really looked like a giant maypole on Halloween day.

The police had issued a warning against using such “materials” to wreak a little traditional, yet, illegal havoc. But, in this case, the culprits eluded them.

Take a look at the close-up portion of the TP in the photo. One ply or two?

A Look Back at Sandy Charity

Clothing drive at Bicentennial Hall in Hurricane Sandy's aftermath. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Clothing drive at Bicentennial Hall in Hurricane Sandy’s aftermath. Photo/Elaine Van Develde

By Elaine Van Develde

Generosity was overwhelming in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

When the call for help was sent out by the newly-created Sea Bright Rising, surrounding community organizations and just plain nice people, supply and clothing bins’ contents were almost spilling into the streets.

At one stop in Fair Haven, organizers had to ask people to stop giving.

Remember this?

A Little Sea Bright Patriotism Post-Sandy


A little patriotism stands tall after Sandy flattened everything around it. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
A little patriotism stands tall after Sandy flattened everything around it. Photo/Elaine Van Develde


By Elaine Van Develde

When the Atlantic Ocean met the Shrewsbury River two years ago and obliterated Sea Bright, remnants of the superstorm named Sandy included everything from cars and torn up homes to furniture and jewelry.

On a side street in Sea Bright, among the debris, a flag was anchored in front of a devastated home, truck still in the driveway.


Girl Scout Project Earmarks Sandy, Storm Surge Education


An informational sign/map of Sandy and other storm surges' history and protection guidelines was conceived and crafted as a Gold Star Girl Scout project by Fair Haven's Caroline Peters. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
An informational sign/map of Sandy and other storm surges’ history and protection guidelines was conceived and crafted as a Gold Star Girl Scout project by Fair Haven’s Caroline Peters. Photo/Elaine Van Develde

By Elaine Van Develde

Fair Haven Girl Scout Caroline Peters made it through Hurricane Sandy unscathed.

But the teen, daughter of Councilman Jonathan Peters, saw what the storm did to the property of people she knew well and cared about. She watched as it ripped up the iconic Fair Haven Dock, a traditional spot for all those who grow up Fair Haven style.

Continue reading Girl Scout Project Earmarks Sandy, Storm Surge Education

Flash Mob a Halloween Treat at Sickles School


Those at the Halloween Parade at Viola L. Sickles School in Fair Haven this year got a spooky musical treat when the kids launched into a flash mob of Michael Jackson’s Thriller and Zombie Style.

The concept, a first in the school district, was conceived by parent Bennett Coleman and choreographed by Vanessa Berry, owner/director of Kick Dance Studios in Fair Haven and Rumson, a release from the school district said. The performance involved students in first through third grades dancing up a diabolical storm.

“We had just three rehearsals, and all of the students worked really hard,” said Berry in the release. “This was a great opportunity for the children currently taking dance lessons to show off their moves, as well as for all of the students to enjoy demonstrating what they learned.”

“I thought all of the students were utterly charming,” said parent Susan Culbert in the release. “I was impressed by them.”

The Sickles Halloween parade has been a longstanding tradition. Officials welcomed the new addition.

“I am so grateful to Vanessa Berry for the donation of her time, and to Monmouth Stereo for the donated use of their equipment,” Sickles School Principal Cheryl Cuddihy, costumed as candy Dots, said. “I also want to express my thanks to Bennett Coleman, who was instrumental in organizing this wonderful activity.”

Be sure to check out the video on the Fair Haven PTA Facebook page. Click here.

A Post-Sandy Sunset in Rumson

Sunset in Rumson's West Park after Sandy. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Sunset in Rumson’s West Park after Sandy. Photo/Elaine Van Develde

By Elaine Van Develde

Hurricane Sandy’s waters rushed into Rumson’s West Park section, pushing residents out and leaving lots of devastation behind.

The U.S. Army National Guard’s soldiers were posted at its entrances. There was no passing through for some time.

When the downed wires and felled trees were fixed enough and the floodwaters had subsided, there was a sense of calm, yet eerie stillness in the neighborhood.

This is what it looked like at sunset at the foot of Washington Avenue by the Shrewsbury River’s inlet.
