Tag Archives: weather

Focus: Sea Bright Sunrise on Locals’ Summer

A Sea Bright beach stroll at sunrise
Photo/Jo Ann Slocum Mazzucca

That new day has dawned. It’s officially locals’ summertime in the Rumson-Fair Haven area.

Call it that back-to-school nap time respite for the Jersey Shore kid in all. Pull out the mat and hit the beach time. Inhale the scene’s solace. Exhale the power in its beauty.

The return of some solitude and quiet savoring of the sunrise on a pristine beach in Sea Bright encapsulates the mood. After a flurry of a Labor Day weekend, down came the rain and washed the bustle away.

Up came the sun … and dried up all the crowd overload. Ahhhhh …

Welcome, locals’ summer!

The sun has risen for the inaugural locals’ weekend. Here’s the weather forecast for the Rumson-Fair Haven area from the National Weather Service …

** Thanks to RFHer and Rumson-raised Jo Ann Slocum Mazzucca for this glimpse into a mesmerizing sunrise in Sea Bright. Oh, and that’s her husband in the solo walk shot. **

Sunrise in Sea Bright
Photo/Jo Ann Slocum Mazzucca

Focus: Setting Sail from the Fair Haven Dock

The weather outside is a lot less frightful. Looks like we’re setting sail for a little summer cruise into more comfortable days in the Rumson-Fair Haven area.

And there’s nothing to soothe the soul better than some smooth sailing river time.

Sails up. Sail on. And exhale …

Be sure to click on one photo to enlarge, scroll and enjoy the view!

Here’s the better outlook weather forecast from the National Weather Service heading into the weekend for the Rumson-Fair Haven area …

Focus: Sea Bright Coolness Tide Ride

It’s all about letting the sun and surf shine, and scorch a little, these summer days. And there’s nothing better to take the heat off while soaking the goodness of it all up than a cool ride with the tide along a Sea Bright beach.

The scene is a reminder that the boon of the ocean’s refreshing roar is a mainstay respite, a bigger and brighter beacon that overshadows any sliver of scald.

A bit of relief has come from the sun, and the beach always beckons with cooler days of comfort ahead.

In other words, the heat wave has lifted. Phew. Better days under the sun are ahead. Take in the view, feel the relief and check out the weather forecast, from the National Weather Service, below …

Sun and surf up!

The weather forecast for the Rumson-Fair Haven area through the weekend from the National Weather Service …

Focus: Throwing Some Sunny Shade in Sea Bright

The scorcher of a weather week in the Rumson-Fair Haven area has had most locals headed to the Sea Bright beaches’ promise of that solace by the sea they know so well. Yet, they’re seeking shelter from the sun under that old umbrella of tradition.

It’s a dichotomy — seeking out the sun-drenched hot with a cool wave view — but one that makes sense to a local. The beach, any Sea Bright beach, not “the shore,” is the only place to be for a local in the summer — and beyond, really.

It’s the only way to stay cool in more ways than one. So, if you can’t get there and tradition beckons, the glimpse is here. (Just click on one of the photos in the above gallery to enlarge and scroll.)

And check out the weather forecast from the National Weather Service. The heat advisory continues through 8 p.m. tonight. The rest of the week? Well, let’s hope the advisory is truly lifted after 8.

Focus: Balmy, Palmy Sea Bright Surf & Skyline

There’s nothing quite like seeing the New York skyline as if it’s in the palm of your Sea Bright beach.

And it is, even though the palm trees aren’t indigenous to Sea Bright by a long shot — and a lot longer than the distance to that skyline. But, whatever works to bring the Sea Bright locals’ scene into perspective.

What works is taking the time to take in the view of what’s surrounding you on a summer’s day. It’s what’s home to and in the heart of those in the Rumson-Fair Haven area every day. From the sand to the surf to the palms to the skyline, there’s always something new in the view — something to savor. Something to make you exhale, knowing that you’re home.

Take it all in. Find the subtle differences in perspective. Find the little things. See what matters in the big picture. Exhale the comfort of home.

Enjoy the view, click to enlarge one photo and scroll for the full picture. Find those little things and find out what’s in store this weekend and into next week with the area weather, courtesy of the National Weather Service …

— Photos/Elaine Van Develde exclusively for R-FH Retro

Focus: Taking a Summer Stand in Sea Bright

Sometimes you just have to take a stand — one to guard your life in a special way. The notion holds true especially in the summertime in Sea Bright.

When a beautiful summer’s day winds down, the scene become serene and the view clearer from the mind’s eye, no matter where you’re looking. From an abandoned lifeguard stand, it’s just all the sweeter a sight — as far as the New York skyline or as close as the shoreline and some child’s play or local scene home-in with a content sigh.

Taking a stand to take in all that’s home and a beach always gives perspective. Taking it in with ease and awe makes the sigh all the more grateful.

So, take a stand with us and take in the view — grande and microcosmic, there’s something to see and sigh for in every corner. Ahhhhh … That’s summer life that’s a beach in the heart of the Rumson-Fair Haven area kid.

Click on one photo to enlarge and scroll. Enjoy!

—Photos/Elaine Van Develde exclusively for R-FH Retro

The view will remain clear for days now … until Saturday’s rain. Take a look at the week’s weather forecast from the National Weather Service …

Focus: Lighting the Way to Riverfront Dock Days

Rain, rain, go away. Bring us back to spring dock days.

It’s downright dank these early days in spring. But, there’s always a little hope in the usual Fair Haven Dock scene summoning some spring sun, making the old comfort niche all the more cozy.

Until then, which according to the weather forecast is very soon, we can always daydream of great dock days with an embracing look at the riverfront that always welcomes us like an old friend.

So, open the door, have a seat and welcome your familiar riverfront dock scene for a little comfort and slice of home. It’s the best reminder that the sun will always shine on the power of place.

Click on one photo to enlarge, scroll and enjoy!

— Photos/Elaine Van Develde exclusively for R-FH Retro

Now, here’s that weather forecast heading into the weekend and the promise of some sun from the National Weather Service

Focus: Spring River Time Chill

It’s springtime down by the river; and the livin’ is, well, chilly. Still, things are still always easy when there’s river time in Fair Haven.

After a tease of spring warmth and bloom, the winter sting has pierced through again. A little river time on the Navesink, down by the Fair Haven Dock, always makes things toasty, though, shiver be damned.

River time reflection makes all cozy when cold takes hold. In this stark, frigid niche, all is warm, embracing. It will always take you in when life gives you the boot.

Take in the view and know that warmth is here, at home, where there’s always a friend. (And don’t forget to click on one pic to enlarge and scroll. Enjoy!)

The chill remains, with threats of snow this week. Then, the sun returns. Take a look at this week’s weather outlook for the Rumson-Fair Haven area from the National Weather Service …

Focus: Signs of Spring; Renewed Hope

Spring. It’s been long-awaited and it’s here. With it come signs of hope, growth, rebirth and fertility that was stifled by winter’s frozen grip. Stagnated.

Buds are beginning to bloom in sparse trees along the riverscape. Garden perennials are popping up with the sun. Bulbs about to pop with life are peering through remnants of the dead of winter. Abandoned laid eggs lie still in a half-made shriveled flower pot nest that a mourning dove ironically cast aside on the last cold day.

All comes back … to grow. To bring life and warmth back to the sparse riverscape, the yard, the flower pot nesting spot.

Sun up, signs of spring out. Take notice and soak it all up with the sun. Hope is here.

Take a look at our snapshots of little signs of spring above and take it all in.

**And don’t forget to click on one image in the gallery to enlarge and scroll! Enjoy!**

Interesting tidbit: Did you know that mourning doves have a habit of being terrible nest makers, but fabulous parents? True story. Ironic.

Here’s this week’s weather outlook for the Rumson-Fair Haven area from the National Weather Service …

Focus: Rumson Light in Hazy Winter Darkness

Press “Play.” Sometimes light peering through stark, hazy darkness is a beacon to play time that’s drawing near. It can transport a daydreamer to past play, too. Warmth. Vision. Clarity. Contentment.

The pin spotlights scream silence — peace. They remind: There is a light to follow forward and back. Each spot shines a light on one memory at a time, bringing focus to the haze, bringing back the warmth. Each spot draws us to a brighter tomorrow, too. Each reminds: There’s a way out of the dark haze, forward or rewind. Either takes us back to the same place. Home.

When two iconic playtime scenes — an otherwise bustling iconic Victory Park or Barnacle Bill’s gathering haven — are somber and still, it’s then that one can see the power of place clearly. Feel it deeply. The more stark, the more profound. The more simple, the more black and white, the love of home.

Get lost in the light to find your own way home.

— Photos/Elaine Van Develde for R-FH Retro only (CLICK on one to enlarge and scroll. Enjoy!)

And lighter days are coming to the area. Here’s the week’s weather forecast, courtesy of the National Weather Service, for the Rumson-Fair Haven area …

Focus: Sea Bright Beach Chillin’ Warmth

Sometimes the warmth in a cold snap break isn’t just in the air. It’s in the place. And for many Rumson-Fair Haven area people, that place is the beach in Sea Bright. Always has been.

When life turns a cold shoulder, some Sea Bright time is that cozy niche the area kid in us crawls into for a bright memory snuggle, even if it’s only a moment. The power of place is the pull. It gives the hug, holds the warmth.

The view? It’s always bright, no matter the cool sting, its winter emptiness dotted with some of the happiest of scenes from any old RFHer’s youth. So, take a look back. Fill in the landscape. Let it bring you back to your chill play time in this little slip of peninsula where chillin’ is a smile back. Exhale. Smile. Ahhhhh …

Take a look for that glimpse back of your own. Take it all in. (And don’t forget to click on one photo to enlarge and scroll. Enjoy the view!)