Ca Ching! Santa really knew how to “sleigh” kids in the ’60s! As you wait for the jolly big guy in red to hit that rooftop or shimmy down the chimney, know that he has been known to appear in the most unlikely of places, so keep your eyes peeled … in the grocery store. Yes, the grocery store.
Scary Santa time with Rafer Roberts in 1978 Photo/Kathy Robbins
“Ho no you don’t!”
That’s what little Fair Havenite Rafer Roberts was likely thinking after he was plopped on scary Santa’s lap for a minute of terrifying quality time and pics in 1978.
The Harris twins in 2010 with scary Santa at Monmouth Mall Photo/courtesy of Bernadette Harris
We’re bringing this scary Santa gem back from the 2018 archives. Originally posted on Dec. 12, 2018, this is the stuff priceless scary Santa pics are made of … This one was from 2010. We wish these older now twins a very happy holiday and thanks for the bowl full of jello belly laugh!
Sometimes you just win a trifecta when asking for a winning photo of children’s miserable experiences on the lap of Ol’ Saint Nick during the holidays.
Because Santa Claus is everywhere these days … our annual reprise …
By Elaine Van Develde
It’s that time of the year when a longstanding Fair Haven tradition comes to mind and heart — those classic kid photos at the firehouse with Santa. There’s the park. Then there’s the firehouse. That’s Sunday.
Santa Claus came to town in Fair Haven on Friday night. He left his reindeer at home to play their holiday games so he could get a ride in the firetruck.
The Christmas spirit is being awakened this weekend by lights, cameras and the sounds of sirens as Santa Claus comes to two towns via firetruck, townies get festive, trees are lit, holiday poses are struck, kid games are played and crafts are sold.
Santa comes to the Connor-Kelly home in Fair Haven circa 1980s Photo/Connor-Kelly family
A classic reprise, just because … it’s Santa time!
Santa has begun making the rounds around the towns lately. You’ve likely seen him being whisked through the Rumson and Fair Haven neighborhoods on the firetruck over the weekend. It’s that time of the year.
Rumson Department of Public Works’ 24th annual toy drive was a success.
“The Rumson DPW wants to Thank You for your support this Christmas Season. Hundreds of toys were collected and will be distributed to the Salvation Army and Child Family Services for this coming Holiday Season. THANK YOU!!” a social media by employee and Fair Havenite Nick Lenczyk said.
George Clark shuns Santa with tears in 2012 Photo/courtesy of Ann Clark
A reprise, just because … this solitary Santa trauma was just too classic not to repeat. ‘Tis the season, after all. And, with this reprise, we kick off our Santa trauma series … just for fun. Really. Send us your most classic “happy Santa/miserable child” pics. There’s one in every photo album! Email yours to … We have mounted quite a collection, so don’t be left out!
Ho, ho, hoooooo and here we go again with a classic misery-doesn’t-love- Santa’s-company shot.
As it usually stands to reason for the season, families valiantly try to coordinate those classic photos for the ol’ memory album.
Though, it’s always fun to catch them trying to set up the pose with the typical snafus — cranky kids, losing a little balance and all saying “Cheese … and don’t drop the child!” for that camera at the same time, toothy grins intact.
So, the Retro Pic of the Day honors that time-honored moment of the pose set-up with a Fair Haven family at last year’s tree lighting.
Well, they still look pretty good … Cheese and Santa!
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