Tag Archives: Rumson

St. George’s-by-the-River Goes to the Dogs … and a Hamster


By Elaine Van Develde

You could say that the Saturday’s pet-friendly church service at Rumson’s St. George’s-by-the River Episcopal Church was a howling — perhaps hamster-ease squeaking — success.

It wasn’t “ruff” to see that the estimated 35 or so dogs and one hamster (aptly named Hamstee) enjoyed the first of now monthly bring-your-pet worship time.

There was a lot of tail wagging, happy woofing and kisses for the reverends with blessings. And on the way out, the good church-goers got homemade treats.

To ask Rev. Ophelia Laughlin, rector, and Rev. Jeff Roy, assistant rector, is to hear that they feel blessed themselves to welcome the animals to church on a regular basis.

“We’ve held the blessings of the animals and continue to do so regularly, and when they come to church now they can also be blessed, but we think it is just so nice to have the animals here for services,” Rev. Laughlin said after the service. “We keep it short and it’s very casual. Even if you don’t have an animal to bring and enjoy them, we welcome you. Please join us.”

Reverends Laughlin and Roy hung around a bit afterwards, just like with animal-free services, to bond, administer some blessings and make sure the pets got their “thank you for joining us” treats.

There were lots of smiles and a lot of tail wagging and licks — taken as a four-legged show of approval by animal parents. And, yes, the hamster seemed to stand on its hind legs for a high five on the wheel.

“My little girl sat quietly on the bench and took it all in. I enjoyed the reverend’s sermon,” said Elissa DeRogatis Stroby, who brought her dog Scrabble from Long Branch. “One of her stories really hit home. A quote from her story: ‘We are all just visitors here, even our four legged, two legged, or no leg animal friends.’ Something well said that was meant to ease the pain of loss. Since it was all pets and owners, the sermon was brief, the mass was brief. They took into consideration the restlessness of animals. I think I would like to go to a regular mass there sometime soon.”

The next pet-friendly service is April 11, and every second Saturday of each month thereafter at 5 p.m.. All pets are welcome. Dogs must be leashed and all others must be contained.

Take a look at the above slideshow for a glimpse into the event. Oh, and be sure to click on the icon in the lower right corner to enlarge! Enjoy!

Photos and slideshow/Elaine Van Develde

Got a ‘Furever’ Home for Gertie?

Gertie at the Rumson St. Patrick's Day Parade
Gertie at the Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Every week, on Fridays, Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect will now feature pets up for adoption at the Monmouth County SPCA, many  fostered by area residents.

This week the featured four-legged friend looking for a “furever” home is Gertie.

This gal was a marcher in the Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade last Sunday, shown off by her SPCA volunteer, Rumson resident Lisa Palasciano.

To find out more about Gertie or any other pets up for adoption, contact the SPCA at 732-542-0040 and/or click here.

High Steppin’ into Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2015

There was a wee bit of a chill in the air, but spirits were warm and bright on Sunday at the third annual Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

Thousands lined East River Road to take festive trip to St. Paddy’s Day nine days early via hundreds of paraders.

Take a look at the above slideshow for a glimpse into Rumson’s new tradition.

Don’t forget to click on the icon in the bottom right corner to enlarge for a full view!

Rewind: Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2013

The third annual Rumson St. Patrick’s Day parade is set for Sunday at 1 p.m.

The relatively new area tradition has drawn hundreds of participants and thousands of viewers.

This year, the parade is dedicated to its first lead organizer, Michael Larkin. Fair Havenite and Fox 5 reporter JoAnn Pileggi is back for the third year as emcee; and the grand marshal is Philip Murphy, a Middletown resident with a Rumson connection who was U.S. Ambassador to Germany.

Take a look back in our slideshow revisiting the first Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

See you Sunday!


Retro Rumson St. Paddy’s Day Parading

Rumson Cub Scouts Pack 11 marches in the first Rumson St. Patrick's Day Parade. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Rumson Cub Scouts Pack 11 marches in the first Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

The countdown to Sunday’s third annual Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade has begun.

People are lighting the town green (photos of that to come) and fundraising is in full gear.

So, our Retro Pic of the Day today hones in on the first St. Paddy’s Day parade and a pack of parading cub scouts.

Are you marching this year?

A Ducky Two River Exhibition in Rumson

Saturday was a very ducky day in Rumson.

Live ducks were out wandering around by the river banks at Victory Park. Then there were myriad decoys, photos, drawings, paintings — all things ducky, otherwise bird-inspired, sporty and collectible — at Forrestdale School as the Two River Exhibition of Sporting Collectible Art held its second annual event all day.

Rumson Police Chief Scott Paterson was honorary chairman of the show; and he had a couple of special family members by his side.

Take a look at our slideshow for a glimpse into the event. Don’t forget to click on the icon in the lower right corner of the video to enlarge!

Slideshow and photos by Elaine Van Develde

‘Lunch with a Loved One’ at Deane Porter

The following is a press release from the Rumson School District:

Students in Kindergarten through third grade at Deane Porter School in Rumson enjoyed “Lunch with a Loved One” on Feb. 16.

The students invited a special person of their choice to the luncheon celebration, a long-standing tradition at Deane Porter. The school’s entry-way, gymnasium and cafeteria were festooned with pink, white, and red hearts in keeping with a Valentine’s Day theme.

“The Parent-Teacher Organization works their magic every year to create special memories for all involved, and no detail is missed,” Deane Porter Principal Shari Feeney said. “Lunch with a Loved One lets both the students and the special guests know that they are loved and cared for, and the smiles and laughter from lunch last the whole day.”

Retro Ode to Rumson’s St. Paddy’s Day Parade

Kylee and Ruth Wallman, of Fair Haven,  at the first Rumson St. Patrick's Day Parade. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Kylee and Ruth Wallman at the first Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

Our Retro Pic of the Day pays homage to the Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade in its inaugural year.

The parade is now in its third year; and fundraising efforts begin on Sunday.

Back in its first year in 2012, the parade drew thousands. It is expected to bring more this year.

The Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade is set for March 8.

Will you attend one or more of the fundraising events?

A Paddle Back to Warmth in Rumson

Kayaking on a warm summer's day by Victory Park in Rumson. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Kayaking on a warm summer’s day by Victory Park in Rumson.
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

Yes, the chilliest cold snap of the year has had people thinking more of warmer times — and counting the days.

Well, our Retro Pic of the Day is a toasty bounce back to the summer of 2013 and a fundraiser day that had participants languishing in the Navesink River waters ’til the end.

The event was dubbed Paddle with a Purpose. It was a fundraiser that had people paddle boarding and kayaking in part for Sea Bright Rising.

The participants paddled their way roughly five miles up and down the Navesink, ending at Victory Park in Rumson.

Time for that warm-up!

Do you kayak, paddle or just wade in the river water?  What’s your favorite spot?


Forrestdale Student Dubbed Geography Expert

You could say that Forrestdale School sixth-grader Peter O’Connor knows where things are in this world.

After proving his expertise in geography by winning in-class competitions, the Rumson 12-year-old garnered first place in the Forrestdale School Geography Bee on Feb. 4, a press release from the Rumson School District said.

O’Connor won the champion title after competing among 18 sixth- through eighth-grade students who qualified through the in-class competitions for the final school-wide contest, the release added.

The winning question he answered correctly:  “Which country is the setting for Jack London’s classic novel ‘The Call of the Wild’, which takes place during the Klondike Gold Rush in the Yukon?” The answer: Canada.

Eighth-grader Sam Eckstein came in second.

Peter, the release said, will now go on to participate in the Regional Finals of the National Geography Bee in April.

Seventh grade Social Studies teacher Keith Laviola organized and hosted the competition.

Judges were: eighth grade Social Studies teacher Michelle Devoy; sixth grade Social Studies teacher Dan Morrone; and eighth grade English/Language Arts teacher Lori Zucker.

Rumsonite Babes of Forrestdale

Mousekteers of the 1974 Forrestdale yearbook. Photo/Forrestdale yearbook
Mousekteers of the 1974 Forrestdale yearbook.
Photo/Forrestdale yearbook

Our Retro Pic of the Day gives a glimpse, from the pages of the 1974 Forrestdale yearbook, into the baby faces of some of the eighth grade graduates back then.

The page is entitled Mouseketeers. Hmmmm.

Do you know any of these “model” students? Where were your baby pictures taken? And which of these gems is your favorite?


Arresting News from Nearby: Disorderly, Contempt & More

The following arrests were recently made and reported by Red Bank police. An arrest does not constitute a conviction.

• Eleazar Aguirre-Salazar, 24, of Red Bank, was arrested on Feb. 2 in the area of W. Front Street and charged with disorderly conduct by Patrolman Benjamin Springer.

• Nicholas Hoffman, 21, of Rumson, was arrested Feb. 1 in the area of W. Front Street and charged with disorderly conduct by Patrolman Ashon Lovick.

Continue reading Arresting News from Nearby: Disorderly, Contempt & More