Tag Archives: Shrewsbury River

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Travel Alert; Channel Closure Update

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge replacement construction activity continues this week with no work on Labor Day. Work will proceed Tuesday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., weather permitting. The channel closure postponement has been announced by Monmouth County officials.

Waterway Information

The upcoming channel closure in the Shrewsbury River has been postponed to Monday, Sept. 16, starting at 6 a.m..

The details …

  • From 6 a.m. on Monday, Sept. 16, to 6 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 20, the navigational channel under the Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge will be completely closed to all marine traffic.
  • The United States Coast Guard (USCG) has jurisdiction over the navigational channel and has granted permission for upcoming full and partial closures needed for installation of the two new bridge spans.
  • The channel under the bridge will be open at full width (75 feet) to marine vessels on Saturday, Sept. 21 and Sunday, Sept. 22.
  • Please see the Updated Public Notice for all full and half closure dates. Monmouth County must comply with the dates approved by the USCG.
  • Dates are subject to change based on weather conditions and production factors.

Roadway and Sidewalk Information

  • Access to Old Rumson Road from Rumson Road (CR 520) has been reconfigured to improve sight distance and reduce conflict points associated with temporary conditions. (Note: This reconfigured traffic pattern is a temporary condition and will be evaluated by Monmouth County and Rumson Borough over the coming months as to how it is functioning and if permanent modifications to the original design may be needed.)
  • The south side (eastbound) sidewalk of the bridge is closed.
  • All roadway and sidewalk travelers should be aware of construction and delivery vehicles entering and exiting the work areas on both sides of Rumson Road in Rumson and on the southbound side of Ocean Avenue in Sea Bright.
  • Temporary delays are possible on any contractor work day due to movement of construction vehicles and equipment.

— Photos/Nick Lencyzk


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Cooking Up ’50s-Style Fun on Starvation Island

It’s all fun and island-hopping games until they have to start a fire.

Yes, there comes a time when end-of-summer Rumson island-hopping coolness sets in, parents rang the unheard dinner bell and a bunch of hungry, wayward, marooned kids try to cook that fish they caught and toast their own little buns.

Continue reading Cooking Up ’50s-Style Fun on Starvation Island

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Summer Travel Advisory

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge replacement and associated roadway construction activity remains status quo this week from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. through Friday, weather permitting.

Continue reading Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Summer Travel Advisory

Retro Rumson Island Ploppers

It’s a case of summer island plopping. Yes, that’s right. Island plopping.

That would be the more accurate term when telling the pretty common story of some Fair Haven and Rumson kids taking their own eight-hour tour of the Navesink and Shrewsbury rivers and ending up settling down for some adventure on Starvation Island in Rumson on pretty much any summer day.

Continue reading Retro Rumson Island Ploppers

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge & Roadway Travel Alert

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge construction work remains status quo, with the exception of major roadwork on the Rumson side continuing this week. All construction continues on the usual 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. schedule though Friday, weather permitting.

New Rumson Side Traffic Pattern

• Access to Old Rumson Road from Rumson Road (CR 520) is temporarily closed to allow for installation of a new traffic pattern. Please use South Ward Avenue for access to Waterman Avenue or St. George’s by the River church.

Additional Roadway and Sidewalk Information

  • A new crosswalk across Rumson Road will be installed soon.
  • The south side (eastbound) sidewalk of the bridge is closed.
  • All roadway and sidewalk travelers should be aware of construction and delivery vehicles entering and exiting the work areas on both sides of Rumson Road in Rumson and on the southbound side of Ocean Avenue in Sea Bright.
  • Temporary delays are possible on any contractor workday due to movement of construction vehicles and equipment.

Waterway Information

  • For channel closure information, please click here.
  • Bridge replacement work activity continues on both sides of the Shrewsbury River south of the bridge.

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Travel Advisory

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge construction work remains status quo, with a lot of road realignment work on the Rumson side and connecting of the new bridge foundation to the land in Sea Bright continuing. All construction continues this week on the usual 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. schedule though Friday, weather permitting.

Continue reading Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Travel Advisory

Retro Little Tykes’ River Time

Fair Haven river dwellers of the Drake family
Photo/courtesy of Robin Drake Fitch

Quality river time. It’s a rite of passage for any Rumson-Fair Haven area kid.

When the spring air hits, the banks of the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers call to kids like mythological Sirens. And they burrow themselves in the sand and tides like hermit crabs.

Continue reading Retro Little Tykes’ River Time

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Travel Advisory

With the weather clearing in the beginning of this week, Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge construction work remains status quo, with work continuing from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. though Friday, if the forecasted rain for the end of the week doesn’t throw the schedule off.

Continue reading Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Travel Advisory

Focus: New Year River Daze Imprint

Shrewsbury River in Rumson
Photo/Doug Borden

Sometimes it seems as if a river view is a window to heaven … on Earth.

And as the sunny late December view ushers in a new year, it offers clarity. The clarity of the beauty of home — where you can feel infinite peace emanating from a living Rumson landscape. A landscape that breathes a sigh of contentment. A landscape that beckons you at low tide into its rising tide of tranquility. The comfort of quiet solitude in its good company.

It’s always good company — the river, its inlets and marshland. It’s where all the gentlest elements meet for a nurturing hug and reflection. This time it’s the sun, the blue sky, traveled clouds mirroring in a small looking glass pool of water. The way it all looks back, casting the most golden of glows on wet sand that holds each mark of where many walks of life have been, gone and settled.

It’s a new year. Time to set out to leave more footprints, make your marks — marks of walking toward the satiety of that clear, peaceful view in your own back yard. Marks that stay. Marks emblazoned, emboldened by the sun. Marks in that sand that go out with the tide to wash up on another’s shore, leaving the grains of goodness that were once imprints.

Happy New Year.

River inlet view in Rumson
Photo/Doug Borden

Warmer days are ahead for the first week of 2023, albeit with a bit of dampness …

**Thanks to RFH alum Doug Borden for these spectacular river views!**

Scene Around: A Bridge to Frosty?

Frosty & Family and a Christmas tree adorn the Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge construction equipment
Photo/John Lembeck

Where’s Frosty? Well, he and his family have apparently decided to take a stand, celebrate the holidays, bridge tend a bit and soak up the view of the Shrewsbury River.

Continue reading Scene Around: A Bridge to Frosty?

Focus: An Eco Rally for the Rivers

They rallied for the rivers in Rumson.

The 4th Annual Rally for the Two Rivers Eco-Fest, hosted by Clean Ocean Action (COA) on Saturday at Victory Park was a success, organizers said. Hosted by Clean Ocean Action (COA) and the Rumson Environmental Commission (Rumson EC), the event designed to raise awareness of waterway mindfulness for a healthy environment had about 200 attendees.

Continue reading Focus: An Eco Rally for the Rivers

Retro RFH Gal Pals’ Springing for Beach Time

A look back at some RFH girls contemplating life on the beach in the 1970s
Photo/George Day

While Rumson-Fair Haven area folks know better than anyone that there’s nothing quite like a good locals’ summer, there are always great days on the beach in any season in this area.

When you grow up nestled between the Shrewsbury and Navesink rivers and the ocean is a short ride, walk or run away, beaching it is never solely a summer seasonal jaunt. It’s a rite of passage, no matter what time of year.

Continue reading Retro RFH Gal Pals’ Springing for Beach Time