Sometimes those ’70s RFH graduation memories are not all a blur. They’re crystal clear. In focus. Like this Pomp and Circumstance walk snapshot back in time.
Continue reading Getting the Clear Retro RFH Graduation PictureSometimes those ’70s RFH graduation memories are not all a blur. They’re crystal clear. In focus. Like this Pomp and Circumstance walk snapshot back in time.
Continue reading Getting the Clear Retro RFH Graduation PictureIt was a milestone moment met with a lot of cheers and tears. The Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Class of 2024 graduated at Monmouth University, this era’s graduation venue tradition, on Friday night.
Continue reading Focus: A Glimpse at RFH Grads’ MomentsIt’s all a blur. That’s how some RFH grads of 46 years ago, more and even less feel about their graduation day.
Graduation time is near. It’s a time when Fair Haven eighth graders walk that graduation walk and that symbolic trek down Third Street. It’s their last — an ode to elementary school.
The sun has had a hard time peering out from the dank weather veil these days. So, daydreaming about a simpler summer time when a dive into the ocean in Sea Bright was all you needed comes a lot easier than that ball of fire and the imminent need to cool down.
Continue reading Retro RFH Guys’ Summer DiveSchool’s out in Rumson!
And while tradition dictates that Fair Haven’s eighth grade grads to the infamous walk down Third Street to much fanfare, Rumson students do what they call a “clap-out.” And it just happened very recently.
They’re leaving the hallowed halls of Forrestdale School and moving on to the next block at Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School — most of the grads, anyway.
So, as they exit the school for the last time, the students do it to applause … and a bit of fanfare, like some drum beating. Some of the teachers also celebrated their last exit from the school. It’s anyone’s guess what was going on among students at this moment, but there are some amusing clues here.
Take a look at the photo gallery above, courtesy of the Rumson School District, for a glimpse into the milestone moment.
A reprise in honor of those eighth grade graduations … Congrats, grads!
The Fair Haven Knollwood School grads are styling every year. And, the truth is that the eighth grade graduation attire has improved to the point of even parents turning wannabes of that mini-fashion world.
You’d have to admit, though, that fad dress-up attire has been kinder to the male gender over the years — except for the leisure suit. That was an unforgiving polyester fashion fail.
Continue reading Retro Stylin’ Knollwood GradsRumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Class of 2021 graduation has made an in-person, maskless comeback.
Continue reading An RFH Class of 2021 Graduation ComebackThe following was originally posted in May of 2017. It is being reprised in honor of the recent RFH graduation, traditions of the past and the RFH Daisy Chain girl featured who passed away in 2019 — Daryl Cooper Ley.
It was considered a privilege and honor. They were chosen from the junior class at RFH to serve as the debutante-like ushers for the graduating class. All dressed in white and supposedly gracefully toting a chain of daisies, the Daisy Chain girls were a fixture of high school finery at graduations in the 1970s.
The origins of the somewhat upper-crust tradition date back to the 1900s, but this Retro Pic of the Day was snapped in 1978.
Continue reading Retro RFH Graduation Daisy ChainIt’s half past pandemic graduation time. The RFH Class of 2020 had its drive-by celebration last night. A virtual ceremony is to come and still more.
Continue reading Retro RFH Grad MomentsThe last time capped and gowned RFH grads were lining the street was more than four decades ago when the Class of ’78 graduated on the front lawn of the high school.
Continue reading Retro RFH ‘Pomp & Circumstance’ Street WalkThe year 2020 has brought a Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) graduation of a different kind — the COVID-19 pandemic kind.
Continue reading A COVID Era RFH Class of 2020 Graduation
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