Tag Archives: George Day

Retro RFH Spring Fever Drive

A little RFH spring fever springing in the 1970s? Photo/George Day
A little RFH spring fever springing in the 1970s
Photo/George Day

A reprise to warm hearts as the sun comes out and spring is on the horizon …

Spring is coming, folks. The weather is warming up. Sort of. People are shedding coats for sweaters and getting out and about a little more each day.

The sun has been peering brightly, albeit with a sting in the air. Call it classic spring fever. Thoughts of sunny, warm, spring-is-almost-in-the-air antics are racing through minds, especially those of high schoolers. 

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Retro RFH Dank Day Riders in the Commons

Riding with the wind — or something — at RFH in the 1970s Photo/George Day
Riding with the wind — or something — at RFH in the 1970s
Photo/George Day

The sun has made an appearance or three lately, but not today. And people, like cooped-up RFH students are likely stir crazy and ready to make a break for it and ride out of bleak winter blues and into warm sunsets. Incognito or not.

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Happy Retro RFH Halloween!

Our annual Halloween reprise! 

Halloween is here.

So, the Retro Pic of the (George) Day is, well, several pics in a slideshow of none other than those fabulously fun RFH students of the Class of ’78!

So, here’s to the retro spirit of haunting from a classic RFH gaggle of ghouls!

Can you guess which is your R-FH Retro publisher/founding editor?

And, thanks to the fabulous George Day for these spectacular shots! Be sure to click on the video and click the right corner to enlarge! Enjoy, trick-or-treaters!



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Retro Rumson Eighth Graders’ Memorial Day

Rumson Boy Scouts at Memorial Day service circa early 1970s
Photo/George Day

It’s been a Memorial Day of the traditional kind in the Rumson-Fair Haven area. The day, usually kicked off by parades in Rumson and Fair Haven and solemn services at Victory and Memorial parks, respectively, brings people in the communities together. Groups, standing shoulder-to-shoulder, honoring those who sacrificed their lives in service to the country, is the usual visual.

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Retro RFH Rainy Day Lunching

Lunch time for Halloween trick-or-treaters at RFH circa 1977
Photo/George Day

Well, rainy days like today and hangin’ in the Senior Commons at RFH were just about as cool as The Carpenters’ hit song in the 1970s. It didn’t have to be on Monday, though. And nothing got RFHers down when it came to Halloween fun and lounging. The fun just stayed inside and all RFH cozy-like.

Let’s face it. It’s not every day that you get the chance to grab a bite of good ol’ RFH cafeteria grub — or a little scary costumed sustenance, let’s say.

It’s also not every day that you get the chance to “cop a squat” in the RFH senior lounge to ingest the spirit, or spirits, of the day in the company of Harpo and Groucho Marx.

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Retro RFH Graduation Traditions

Our annual RFH graduation reprise in honor of the RFH Class of 2023 … Congrats!

RFH graduation ’79 Photo/George Day

RFHers did the graduation walk on Friday. And it’s a walk that has veered off onto different paths over the years — but always to Pomp & Circumstance.

Wow. So much has changed, yet stayed the same. The venue has gone from the RFH Borden Stadium to the front lawn to the Borden Stadium and the football field again to the RFH auditorium and mixed up and around over the years. Now it’s at the Monmouth University. And two years ago, in pandemic times, the venue was outside, masked and virtual. Now it’s back to Monmouth again for the second year out of pandemic graduation times. 

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