Tag Archives: Fair Haven

Retro Happy Stokes Campers

Stokes girls’ cabin 1978
Photo/Angela Carpenter

A reprise in honor of the culmination of the usual end of the sixth graders’ trip to Stokes State Forrest

It’s all about another stoked for Stokes moment. The year was 1976, and a bunch of girls gathered in their cabin for that classic snapshot of sixth grade bunk mates.

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A Major Fair Haven Fire & the Community’s Rally

No one, including pets, was hurt in the raging fire yesterday that destroyed a two-family Fair Haven home and damaged others nearby; but, it has displaced a family.

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Retro RFH Weekend Warriors

RFH girls of the 80s party time
Photo/courtesy of Leslie Field Bell

Cheers to the spring sun, fun and RFH teen weekend warrior times!

Yes, there’s nothing quite like a toast to warmer times retro RFH style! The spring sun is finally out, things are warming up to a summertime temperature and it’s time for a time honored party — or at least a partying spirit.

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Scene Around: A Fair Haven Author & Her Honor

Write on!

That’s the literal sentiment around the Rumson-Fair Haven towns and far beyond concerning Fair Havenite Jane Waterhouse’s recent honor for her legacy memoir Valor in Action. The book spotlights the artwork of her father, U.S. Marine Colonel Charles Waterhouse, who, in his final years, illustrated the valorous moments of hundreds of American heroes in wartime.

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Retro RFH Mathematical Teaching Moments

RFH math teachers of the 1970s
Photo/RFH Yearbook

It all adds up. Good teachers plus intriguing personalities equals motivated, successful students. And, no matter how you put the equation together at RFH, there was no zero involved when it came to high school math teachers.

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Retro RFH English Teaching Moments

RFH English teachers of the 1970s
Photo/RFH ’78 Yearbook

It’s all about writing what you know, as they say. So, since it’s Teacher Appreciation Week, we’re stepping back several decades to show some appreciation for RFH teachers we knew and some of their teaching moments, profound or not, that stuck with us.

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Scene Around: Proud, Pint-Sized Hoops Champs

Fair Haven Boys Basketball Team gets a proclamation for its championship
Photo/screenshot of Zoom Borough Council meeting

They had no idea what a proclamation was, but the third grade Fair Haven Boys Basketball Team was present and proud to accept the honor for winning the 2022 Mid-Monmouth Championship from Mayor Joshua Halpern at Monday night’s Borough Council meeting.

The view of the meeting room showed a near-capacity crowd there for the boys as the mayor gathered them to explain the honor he was bestowing on behalf of a proud borough.

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