Authorities are seeking witnesses to a motor vehicle crash that claimed the life of a female driver in the early morning hours over the weekend, Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Lori Linskey announced on Monday.
Continue reading Prosecutor: Authorities Seek Witnesses to Fatal Weekend AccidentDaily Archives: February 14, 2022
Up & Never Away: Celebrating Paul McGrade
“The party is this way.” Up, the twisty, hand-drawn arrow pointed.

Focus: Sea Bright Beach Chillin’ Warmth
Sometimes the warmth in a cold snap break isn’t just in the air. It’s in the place. And for many Rumson-Fair Haven area people, that place is the beach in Sea Bright. Always has been.
When life turns a cold shoulder, some Sea Bright time is that cozy niche the area kid in us crawls into for a bright memory snuggle, even if it’s only a moment. The power of place is the pull. It gives the hug, holds the warmth.
The view? It’s always bright, no matter the cool sting, its winter emptiness dotted with some of the happiest of scenes from any old RFHer’s youth. So, take a look back. Fill in the landscape. Let it bring you back to your chill play time in this little slip of peninsula where chillin’ is a smile back. Exhale. Smile. Ahhhhh …
Take a look for that glimpse back of your own. Take it all in. (And don’t forget to click on one photo to enlarge and scroll. Enjoy the view!)

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