Longtime Rumson-Fair Haven area resident, Peg Scott, “finally yielded to the inevitability of growing old,” and passed away at the age of 94 on Oct. 27, at home surrounded by family, as was her wish.
Continue reading In Memoriam: Longtime R-FH Area Resident, Peg Scott, 94Monthly Archives: October 2021
Prosecutor: Three Indicted on Attempted Murder & Related Charges in January Shooting
Three men in their 20s have been indicted on charges stemming from an alleged botched robbery that resulted in a shooting earlier this year, Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Lori Linskey announced on Friday.
Continue reading Prosecutor: Three Indicted on Attempted Murder & Related Charges in January ShootingScene Around: A Rumsonite’s Witching Hour

Time to tip your witchy hat to Rumsonite, real estate agent and community-loving lady, B Mahon, for going true townie purple at the Tower Hill Preschool Halloween Parade.
Continue reading Scene Around: A Rumsonite’s Witching HourIn Memoriam: Area Doctor, Jeffrey Hall Dobken, 77
“His family is deeply touched by his perseverance, strength, wisdom, and courage, especially through his crippling battle with cancer.” ~ family of Dr. Dobken
Area asthma, allergy and immunology doctor, Jeffrey Hall Dobken, MD, MPH, passed peacefully, surrounded by family, on Tuesday, Oct. 26, after a six-year battle with multiple myeloma. He was 77.
Continue reading In Memoriam: Area Doctor, Jeffrey Hall Dobken, 77In Memoriam: Longtime Rumsonite, Judy Barrett Wolf
Longtime Rumsonite, Judith “Judy” Barrett Wolf, passed away peacefully at home on Oct. 23.
Continue reading In Memoriam: Longtime Rumsonite, Judy Barrett WolfRumson-Sea Bright Bridge Replacement: Public Forum Info
With construction of the long-anticipated new Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge looming, another public information meeting, designed to inform, offer participation and an opportunity for public input, is being held late this afternoon.
Continue reading Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Replacement: Public Forum InfoRetro RFH Halloween: Some Bunnies & Ghouls
Reprise … Just because it’s that time of the year and it’s a classic shot …
Some bunny got dressed for RFH Halloween 1977 — or a few bunnies and other assorted suspicious characters, that is.
The Halloween spirit was in the air, that’s for sure. And this senior gaggle of girls embodied it. From controversial, yet timely and popular, Playboy bunny costumes, to Raggedy Ann, a ghost, a cat, a gypsy and whatever else, they were parading and pleased with their choices.
Then they benched themselves for a little haunting respite and pose. But, surely, knowing this crew, there was some mischievous haunting to come. They weren’t done.
Continue reading Retro RFH Halloween: Some Bunnies & GhoulsFair Haven Meeting Notes & Quotes
Because the little details in municipal meetings tend to get missed and attendance by the public is usually low, R-FH Retro will bring them to the forefront with Meeting Notes, starting with this editor’s notes from last night’s regular Borough Council meeting as well as last week’s special meeting.
Continue reading Fair Haven Meeting Notes & QuotesFair Haven Borough Council Candidates: Getting to Know Democrat Bob Gasperini
With two seats for Fair Haven Borough Council up for grabs in the 2021 election, four candidates are vying: two Republicans, incumbent Betsy Koch and newcomer Tracy Cole; and two Democrats, newcomers Bob Gasperino and Sonja Trombino.
In the spirit of looking especially closely at the candidates and their views on local issues, Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect offered a detailed Q&A to each candidate that offered more of a retro twist, with a dip into the past and its effect on the present and future.
Continue reading Fair Haven Borough Council Candidates: Getting to Know Democrat Bob GasperiniRooting RFH Icon George Giffin’s Memory
A tree grows in Giff’s honor.
That’s what is happening on the grounds of Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) since a tree was planted on Saturday to honor iconic former science and ballroom dance teacher, Drill Team creator and leader, golf and basketball coach, mentor, and advisor George Giffin, known as “Giff.”
Continue reading Rooting RFH Icon George Giffin’s MemoryFair Haven Borough Council Candidates: Getting to Know Democrat Sonja Trombino
With two seats for Fair Haven Borough Council up for grabs in the 2021 election, four candidates are vying, two Republicans, incumbent Betsy Koch and newcomer Tracy Cole, and two Democrats, newcomers Bob Gasperino and Sonja Trombino.
In the spirit of looking especially closely at the candidates and their views on local issues, Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect offered a detailed Q&A to each candidate that offered more of a retro twist, with a dip into the past and its effect on the present and future.
The Q&A for each will be published in the order in which answers were received. Each question and answer offers your closest look at local candidates, so here’s your opportunity to get to know them.
Here’s our chat with Fair Haven Democrat Borough Council Candidate Sonja Trombino …
Continue reading Fair Haven Borough Council Candidates: Getting to Know Democrat Sonja TrombinoTownie Tidbits: Police, Politics & Side Notes
There have been a lot of changes in the Rumson-Fair Haven area lately, especially in Fair Haven.
Continue reading Townie Tidbits: Police, Politics & Side Notes
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