A 36-year-old area man is facing a child sexual exploitation charge after he was found to be in possession of materials depicting the sexual abuse of minors, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni said on Wednesday.
Continue reading Prosecutor: 36-Year-Old Area Man Arrested on Child Sexual Exploitation ChargeMonthly Archives: March 2021
Focus: Riverfront Sunny Side Leg Up
Photos/Elaine Van Develde … exclusively for R-FH Retro
It’s always good to get a leg up on brighter days, especially when it involves a simple riverside adventure, a friendly hand from a childhood friend.
The picture says it all.
Soaking up the sun on the horizon is more than symbolic these days. Basking in it all at an iconic spot down by the Navesink River at Barnacle Bill’s in Rumson is, well, tradition. But it’s more poignant than ever as we begin to head out of pandemic darkness and into the light. Better weather ushers that better view into a fuzzy warm focus.
Looking to the bright side of spring …
Continue reading Focus: Riverfront Sunny Side Leg UpRetro RFH Baseball
Play ball! Well, spring has arrived and RFH Baseball season is set to start soon — on April 9 with a home JV game at Meadow Ridge. Time will tell whether or not vaccines will hit COVID-19 out of the park, but the game is on and the RFH players are set for a home run season.
Continue reading Retro RFH BaseballProsecutor: Two Arrested in Major Drug Ring Bust
Two area men have been arrested in connection with a local narcotics distribution ring, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni said on Monday.
Continue reading Prosecutor: Two Arrested in Major Drug Ring BustFair Haven: Missing Kayker’s Body Recovered
The search for a kayaker who went missing on the Navesink River in Fair Haven on Friday morning ended with the recovery of a 78-year-old man’s body that evening, Police Chief Joseph McGovern said in a released statement on Saturday morning.
Continue reading Fair Haven: Missing Kayker’s Body RecoveredRetro ‘Oliver!’ Show Time at The Barn Theater

Photo/Jeff Blumenkrantz
“Consider yourself at home. Consider yourself one of the family. We’ve taken to you so strong …”
The line in the song from Oliver! captures the tenor of the actors’ bond in community theater. And it couldn’t be better encapsulated than in a photo of the cast of Oliver at the iconic Barn Theater in Rumson in 1972.
Continue reading Retro ‘Oliver!’ Show Time at The Barn TheaterIn Memoriam: Longtime Rumsonite Paul Fuller Timolat, 74
Longtime Rumsonite Paul Fuller Timolat died peacefully at home on March 23. He was 74.
Continue reading In Memoriam: Longtime Rumsonite Paul Fuller Timolat, 74Prosecutor: 20-Year-Old Arrested on Attempted Murder Charges in Shooting
A 20-year-old man has been arrested and charged for his role in a shooting incident in Keansburg, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni announced.
Continue reading Prosecutor: 20-Year-Old Arrested on Attempted Murder Charges in ShootingRetro Look At RFH’s KDM Fun Runners

Photo/Gregg Kennedy
This was the year without a KDM Fun Run.
Continue reading Retro Look At RFH’s KDM Fun RunnersMark F. Hughes Jr.: Legacy of a Rumson Dad
“He was a great man, and a humble man … His hearty laughter at a good story or joke, his warm-hearted and frequent expressions of love and support for all of us, his kindness to people from all walks of life, and his keen intellect and insight will be missed, while memories of him live on.”
Nan Hughes Poole, Mark Hughes Jr.’s daughter
Memories. Moments. They’re what live on after we’re gone — what takes on a life of its own, indelibly etched in the minds of future generations. Legacy. There are so very many of those moments, those memories that many could call to mind as they put on their best bowtie and tip their hat to all that comprise the legacy left by longtime Rumsonite Mark F. Hughes Jr..
The husband, dad, grandfather, lawyer and rarest of gems among gentleman died on March 10, just four days shy of his 90th birthday. He and his wife, Marie H. “Mimi” Hughes, a longtime Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) English teacher, lived in Rumson for more than 55 years. They raised their four children there, in their home right across the street from the high school. They welcomed many into the Hughes home, like family, with open hearts and a voracious interest in the passions of all they met and cared to know better.
Anyone who has crossed the Hughes home threshold or been on stage with one or many has a story to tell. One of patriarch Mark, always the gentile Mr. Hughes to me, stands out in my mind. It tells his legacy tale in a mind’s snapshot. It’s a little lost-and-found snippet of a dad and grandfather steeped in a moment that had become tradition — a generational one to be carried on for lifetimes.
In my mind’s eye, a locked frame-freeze cache, it remains …
“Somehow, we’ve lost Dad,” said a content, grinning Paul Hughes, Mark’s son and my longtime friend, at closing day of an RFH show. Decades before, it was we who were at the RFH auditorium, mingling, crying over the ending, collecting accolades and bouquets. “He got caught up chatting with people and he’s still at the high school somewhere. Somehow, he got left behind. Gotta go find him.”
Continue reading Mark F. Hughes Jr.: Legacy of a Rumson Dadin Memoriam: Former Area Teacher, Harriet ‘Nana’ Luckenbill, 96
Former area teacher and band “mom” Harriet Ruth Luckenbill, known to many as “Nana,” passed away peacefully on Friday, March 19 at the Chelsea Assisted Living Home. She was 96.
Continue reading in Memoriam: Former Area Teacher, Harriet ‘Nana’ Luckenbill, 96Focus: Bloomin’ Fair Haven Spring
Spring is officially in the air and budding up all over in Fair Haven — from home to the Navesink riverfront and in between.
Take a look at some of the scenery. (And click to enlarge and scroll!) Enjoy! Ahhhhhhh …
- Retro RFH Tower Player Play Date
- Prosecutor: Former Teacher Indicted for Child Sexual Abuse, Assault of Teen Student
- In Memoriam: Rumson-Raised Longtime Fair Havenite, Rumson High ’53 Grad, Fair Haven Fields Natural Area Pioneer, Doris Moraller, 89
- In Memoriam: Fair Haven Resident, Longtime Area Teacher, Valerie Cusick, 75
- In Memoriam: Fair Haven-Raised RFH Grad, Ben Wilson, 21
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