
Focus: New Year’s Day Fun at Fair Haven Firehouse

It’s a first day of the new year tradition.

Fire and first aid companies reorganize, naming new line officers. And festivities take hold at fire houses all over.

Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect made it to Fair Haven where there were a lot of familiar faces from all around the area — and a few reunions of RFHers.

Take a look …

And congratulations to the new line officers! They are:

Fire Company

Tim Morrissey, chief; Matt DePonti, deputy chief; Christopher Schrank, first assistant; Matthew Bufano, second assistant.

First Aid

Kim Ambrose, captain; Katy Frissora, first lieutenant; Daniel Kane, second lieutenant.

— Elaine Van Develde

Focus: R-FH Area Faces of 2016

As 2017 approaches, Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect takes a look back at the people of 2016.

There were lots of major events, small gatherings and just plain priceless moments among Rumson-Fair Haven area friends, family and colleagues in 2016. We were there to capture them with our lens. So were you.

Take a look back with us at some of those moments with those people in 2016 … (Don’t forget to click the lower right icon to enlarge! And stay tuned for Part II). Enjoy!)

Happy New Year and thank you for being a part of the R-FH Retro family!

— Elaine Van Develde

Focus: A Festive Rumson Tree Lighting

The holiday stage was set and the tone was a rich, festive one in Rumson’s Victory Park on Sunday as the holidays were kicked off with the annual borough tree lighting.

Tim McLoone and the Shirleys and the Deane-Porter third graders set the musical pace and mood for the night as Rumsonites gathered to celebrate the start of the season with some song, dance, snacks, socializing and Santa.

Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect was there to capture many festive moments of the night. Take a look at the 50 glimpses into the night we caught with our lens.

Cheers to plenty of holiday cheer here! (Be sure to scroll all the way down. There are 50 photos. Click to enlarge.)

— Elaine Van Develde


Focus: Santa Claus Comes to Fair Haven

Santa Claus came to Fair Haven on Friday night.

Hundreds of residents gathered to celebrate the seasonal kick-off at Memorial Park.

There was a December chill in the air, but spirits soaring and warm.

Take a glimpse into some highlights of the night … (Oh, and don’t forget to click on each photo to enlarge to full view!)

Cheers to the season!

— Elaine Van Develde 

Focus: Rumson Gulls on the River

Monday was a dank day on the banks of the Navesink River.

Yet, there were plenty of sea gulls setting up camp at Victory Park in Rumson.

They hung around, emitting a near-Hitchockesque aura. After soaking up some social interaction on the picket fence, they took flight, no doubt to return before long.

Take a look at snippets of the gulls’ scene.

— Elaine Van Develde

Focus: Honoring Fair Haven’s Vets

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. I wouldn’t ever want to be anywhere else but here today,” Fair Haven’s second oldest living World War II and Korean War veteran Ray Taylor said with a teary-eyed smile as someone shook his hand and thanked him for his service. He then gently placed his decorated hat back on his head after holding it over his heart for The Pledge of Allegiance that began the Fair Haven Veterans Day service on Friday.

Memorial Park was filled beyond capacity with veterans, police, firemen, children, parents and officials who were there to pay homage to those who have served and still are serving.

The fall sun cast a warm glow on the patriotic spirit of the ceremony of honor.

Take a look … Thank you to our veterans.

— Elaine Van Develde





Focus: Honoring Rumson’s Vets

The sun shone bright in Rumson’s Victory Park on Friday, casting a bright light of honor on the borough’s vets.

Homage was paid to all the living who served their country, those presently in service and those who have passed.

There was a call for respect — of them, the freedom of choice for which they fought, and for peace.

Thank you to all of our veterans. Take a peek into the Veterans Day 2016 moment in Rumson …

— Elaine Van Develde


Focus: Trucktoberfest Fun

Well, you could say the third time was a charm for the first annual Fair Haven Trucktoberfest.

The new, more family-friendly, sponsored by the non-profit Foundation of Fair Haven, had been put off twice before Saturday due to inclement weather.

But, Saturday it was this time. And the weather was fine and, by the looks of the faces and the mood, people were pleased.

Take a look (Don’t forget to click to enlarge!) …

— Elaine Van Develde



Focus: Fair Haven Halloween Parade Fun

Sunday was a great fall day for a Halloween parade — the Fair Haven Halloween Parade.

The longstanding tradition started many years ago … and continues in the same fashion: Costumed parading from Knollwood down Hance Road to River and the Fair Haven Firehouse for prizes, cider and donuts.

Rumson-Fair Haven Retrospect could not be there this year. But, the site’s followers have offered their photos of the day, with a little before and after happenings captured.

Take a look …

Thanks to Susan Sorensen, Bonnie Wiehl and Jenny Costello for the photos!

Fair Haven Fire Chief Michael Wiehl's little blueberry girl Photo/Bonnie Wiehl
Fair Haven Fire Chief Michael Wiehl’s little blueberry girl
Photo/Bonnie Wiehl
Uncle Sam and Miss America Photo/Jenny Costello
Uncle Sam and Miss America
Photo/Jenny Costello
Fair Haven Firehouse round-up Photo/Susan Sorensen
Fair Haven Firehouse round-up
Photo/Susan Sorensen
Fair Haven Firehouse round-up Photo/Susan Sorensen
Fair Haven Firehouse round-up
Photo/Susan Sorensen
Mayor Ben Lucarelli and incumbent councilmen Jonathan Peters and Rowland Wilhelm Photo/Susan Sorensen
Mayor Ben Lucarelli and incumbent councilmen Jonathan Peters and Rowland Wilhelm
Photo/Susan Sorensen
Fair Haven Firehouse Halloween Parade round-up Photo/Susan Sorensen
Fair Haven Firehouse Halloween Parade round-up
Photo/Susan Sorensen
Fair Haven Firehouse Halloween Parade round-up Photo/Susan Sorensen
Fair Haven Firehouse Halloween Parade round-up
Photo/Susan Sorensen
Halloween fun at the Fair Haven Firehouse Photo/Susan Sorensen
Halloween fun at the Fair Haven Firehouse
Photo/Susan Sorensen
Halloween fun at the Fair Haven Firehouse Photo/Susan Sorensen
Halloween fun at the Fair Haven Firehouse
Photo/Susan Sorensen
Halloween fun at the Fair Haven Firehouse Photo/Susan Sorensen
Halloween fun at the Fair Haven Firehouse
Photo/Susan Sorensen

Halloween fun at the Fair Haven Firehouse Photo/Susan Sorensen
Halloween fun at the Fair Haven Firehouse
Photo/Susan Sorensen
Halloween fun at the Fair Haven Firehouse Photo/Susan Sorensen
Halloween fun at the Fair Haven Firehouse
Photo/Susan Sorensen