
Focus: Santa Claus Comes to Fair Haven

Well, the weather outside was threatening to be slightly frightful on Friday night as Fair Haven’s Tree Lighting and Holiday Stroll got under way. But, despite a little drizzle rain, the annual tradition went on without a hitch. Delightful.

The stage for holiday merriment was set at the usual spot at Memorial Park, people gathered, Santa arrived via firetruck, the tree was lit strolling and festivities abounded.

Take a look for a glimpse into the night … (And don’t forget to CLICK to ENLARGE and scroll!)

— Photos/Elaine Van Develde

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Scene Around: A Fair Havenite’s Beautiful Morning & Forecast

Sunrise view from Manhattan
Photo/Bill Heath

It’s not the musical Oklahoma, but the song “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning” certainly came to mind when seeing this snapshot from Fair Havenite Bill Heath, retired borough police officer and now a captain with SeaStreak Ferries.

Continue reading Scene Around: A Fair Havenite’s Beautiful Morning & Forecast

Focus: RFH ‘Hunchback’; After the Curtain Call

Hunchback of Notre Dame cast

Another closing, another show …

They took their bows and exited stage right and down the hall to bask in the success of their show, mingle and strike a few poses. Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Tower Players’ Hunchback of Notre Dame was a success by all accounts.

The cast performed a comedic version of the show, which the audience embraced with lots of laugh-out-loud moments that were the talk of the weekend.

The show closed on Sunday to accolades and bonding moments with the cast, crew and audience.

Take a look for a glimpse into another RFH show …

Photos/courtesy of RFH PAS

Focus: Halloween Haunts II

Some are creepy. Some kooky. Some mysterious. Some spooky. And some, as the Addams Family theme song goes, are “altogether ooky.” That is how Halloween decorations around the towns in Rumson and Fair Haven can be described.

But to see for yourself is to know the thriller factor of it all. So, a good drive-boo (or by), or two or three, of local haunts is always in order on such a “holiday.” The Halloween spirit, or spirits, seem to have moved residents — or at least jarred them a bit. Good ghoul! Now, that’s the All Hallows spirit!

Take a look at the latest and most diabolical decorations we spied and tell us about the best haunters in your ‘hood for Halloween!

Photos/Elaine Van Develde

Halloween in Fair Haven
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

Focus: Rumson-Fair Haven River Hug

To talk to anyone who considers the Rumson-Fair Haven area home, from their own back yard to far away places, a peek into the day’s end at the river is a home embrace. A hug. Comfort. So it’s been said. So it’s been felt.

So, if you can’t get down by the river tonight, here’s a hug, or 20, from the end of your road to home. (And, don’t forget to click to enlarge to get the whole hug picture.)

Which hometown hug speaks to you most?

— Elaine Van Develde

Focus: Fall Riverwalk into Dusk

Riverwalk at dusk by the Fair Haven Dock
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

It’s a fall Sunday. It’s a day’s end. The start of a new week. The hush of the lapping river soothes. Dusk dances in the river’s reflections. It’s riverwalk daze at the Fair Haven Dock. A silent call to the comfort of home.

Everything is always alright in that riverwalk moment. There are many like it for a Fair Havenite — drenched in riverfront peace. Childhood laughing and splashing dancing in the mind. The cadence of it that soothes. It never gets old. It’s new with each step, each flicker in the tide, each lull in every water lap, each heartbeat that pulses home.

Take a look. Dive into the silence, the memories, each moment down by the river. Inhale home.

— Elaine Van Develde

Fair Haven riverwalk at dusk
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

Ripples of light dancing from Fair Haven Dock
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

Focus: Dock Daze of Crabbing

Sometimes all it takes to brighten a dreary day is a net, a fishing pole, a dock and some bait. It’s all about getting crabby.

No matter the catch haul, after a day of this at the Fair Haven Dock, someone fishing for some simple solace and smile will likely end up with a bucket of cheer called home —and some dinner.

Continue reading Focus: Dock Daze of Crabbing