Tag Archives: Sea Bright

Sea Bright Stairway to Donovan’s?

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It’s May. Countdown to Memorial Day weekend has begun and the unofficial start of summer is not far off. But whether or not Donovan’s Reef will make its comeback with summer is not yet clear.

The lot of the iconic Sea Bright spot has been cleared. The Hurricane Sandy-ravaged bungalow is gone. That all happened, after a static period, in December of last year.

Last word, according to Donovan’s Facebook page, was in February of this year. In answer to a patron’s query of whether or not the bar would be back and exactly when, ownership said, “Yes. Things are moving forward, just don’t have specifics yet!”

Since then, not a word. Only speculation. After Sandy, there was a time when a sale was pending. Then that changed. And in the summer of 2013, owners were saying that it would be back in 2014.

Plans for a larger Donovan’s, replete with on-beach Tiki bars and tree houses, were approved, after some delay, in 2014. And there was a plan to at least partially open with Tiki bars on the beach that year, as a teaser.

A Tiki bar and thatch umbrella have remained on the beach since.

The cleared lot and sea wall are fenced in. Small remnants of the original Donovan’s remain. And there’s a relatively new staircase over the sea wall to the beach, where Donovan’s deck and staircase to the beach was before Sandy. Another staircase is a few feet away for beach access.

One of the owners, Dr. Robert Carducci, died in February of 2014. The other is Bob Phillips.

Phillips was not reachable for comment.

There have been rumors of sales bandied back and forth for years.

But, as of now, the above gallery offers a glimpse into its present state — looking far from ready for an end of May, or even summer, opening.

Could that change?

Rumson-Fair Haven Restrospect will keep you updated. 

— Elaine Van Develde

Donovan’s, Dunes & Diehards

— Photos by Elaine Van Develde

Sunday was true to its namesake. The sun was out … and bright.

So, people hit the beach in Sea Bright — a sign that spring had finally sprung.

While the sun was like a siren calling all beach bums back, upon hitting the beach, there was a chill in the blustery air.

So, some stuck it out, bundled up and taking advantage of the wind with kites, others abandoned the beach-going idea.

However, there were a few things to take notice of — like the bit of progress being made to bring Donovan’s Reef back, and the dunes sprouting up all over.

Donovan’s, the longtime Sea Bright summer classic for Rumson-Fair Haven area people and beyond, was flattened by Hurricane Sandy.

There were all sorts of rumors circulating that it had been sold, then the ownership announced that it would be rebuilt with a target date of last Memorial Day.

There’s a Tiki hut and accompanying thatch umbrella at the base of new staircases and it looks like there may be some hope for some sort of resurrection this summer. We’ll see.

And the dunes that were planted across the beach — some by the Fair Haven Garden Club — to stave off erosion are really taking hold.

Check out our photo gallery above for a glimpse into the day and the progress. Click on any photo to enlarge. 

DIVE!: A Business Valentine Story


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By Elaine Van Develde

It was a dank, dreary day back in October of 2012. Steven Graniero and Christina Dilorio stood at the bottom of bleachers overflowing with sanguine Hurricane Sandy victims at Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School.

The weather gave them an eerie embrace as if to get in another jab as they held onto one another, wiping away tears and trying to comprehend what had just happened.

The engaged couple had just lost everything but one another to Sandy. After earning their stripes bar tending and waiting tables, the two, who met at work, had saved all their pennies to make a dream come true and open a small beachy bar/restaurant of their own in Sea Bright.

Continue reading DIVE!: A Business Valentine Story

Going Back to Post-Sandy Days with the Governor and Rumson Ladies

NJ Gov. Chris Christie and Rumson women at a press conference announcing Sea Bright Mayor Dina Long's endorsement of the governor. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
NJ Gov. Chris Christie and Rumson women at a press conference announcing Sea Bright Mayor Dina Long’s endorsement of the governor.
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

Our Retro Pic of the Day takes us back a couple of years to post-Hurricane Sandy days when Republican Gov. Chris Christie was endorsed by Democratic Sea Bright Mayor Dina Long and it was news.

A press conference was held at Woody’s in Sea Bright. Once it was over, the governor posed for photos with many people, including these two Rumson ladies.

We won’t tell you who they are. Do you know?

Sea Bright in Sandy’s Wake

Hurricane Sandy damage in Sea Bright. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Hurricane Sandy damage in Sea Bright.
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

Our Retro Pic of the Day features a glimpse of what downtown Sea Bright looked like a couple of years ago about this time of the year.

Storefronts were torn and boarded up. Debris was knee-deep. Damage was being assessed.

And, among those assessing the damage was a Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School graduate.

Do you know which grad at work in the featured (never seen before) photo?

Hint: He’s in the party photo gallery above.

A Soggy, Flooded West Park, Sea Bright

By Elaine Van Develde

The Nor’easter remnants have hit the Rumson-Fair Haven area.

And, as predicted and history has shown, the combination of torrential rains, wind and high tides have produced some flooding on Ocean Avenue in Sea Bright and into the low-lying West Park section of Rumson.

In Rumson, Mayor John Ekdahl said in the late morning that “tides are running three feet above normal and is over the bulkhead in parts of West Park and Sea Bright.”

Continue reading A Soggy, Flooded West Park, Sea Bright

Doing the RFH Reunion Dance

RFH's Class of '78 parties. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
RFH’s Class of ’78 parties. Photo/Elaine Van Develde

By Elaine Van Develde

The Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Class of ’78 has a problem.

Classmates have no concept of the passage of time — ahem … their age. They partied for three days without skipping a beat. The party started on a Friday night in August of last year with some cocktails and dancing at Woody’s then Even Tide in Sea Bright.


What 70s dance do you think this trio was doing? What song were they dancing to? Was there even a song?

A Little Sea Bright Patriotism Post-Sandy


A little patriotism stands tall after Sandy flattened everything around it. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
A little patriotism stands tall after Sandy flattened everything around it. Photo/Elaine Van Develde


By Elaine Van Develde

When the Atlantic Ocean met the Shrewsbury River two years ago and obliterated Sea Bright, remnants of the superstorm named Sandy included everything from cars and torn up homes to furniture and jewelry.

On a side street in Sea Bright, among the debris, a flag was anchored in front of a devastated home, truck still in the driveway.


Voting in 2012 in the Wake of Sandy

By Elaine Van Develde

Two years ago, voting in a presidential election in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy became historic for many reasons.

One of those reasons was just the logistics of where displaced people whose towns and selves were handicapped by the storm were voting.

Then there was the notion of getting people out from under their Sandy-plagued circumstances to vote at all.

Well, the turnout was much higher than anticipated. This is how it looked at one polling place in Fair Haven — the firehouse — that took in its Sea Bright neighbors to vote.


Two RFH area girls helped out at the polls at Fair Haven Firehouse during the 2012 elections in the aftermath of Sandy. Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Two RFH area girls helped out at the polls at Fair Haven Firehouse during the 2012 elections in the aftermath of Sandy. Photo/Elaine Van Develde