Former longtime Fair Havenite LaVanche Eleanor Walker Weber, known to one and all as “Lee”, passed away peacefully on Monday, Sept. 23, at home with her children by her side. She was 97.

Former longtime Fair Havenite LaVanche Eleanor Walker Weber, known to one and all as “Lee”, passed away peacefully on Monday, Sept. 23, at home with her children by her side. She was 97.
While 2021 culminated in a lot of loss coupled with a pandemic surge, there have been some stories of ageless triumph through the birth of the new year.
Those stories are of three Rumson-Fair Haven area moms who reveled in their 90s birthdays unscathed, embracing their new age baking, creating, celebrating and emulating one another’s secrets of how old is renewed — gold.
Continue reading Scene Around: Gay 90s R-FH Area MomsWho’s that lady?
Well, that lady … that sexy lady, as the song goes, is former longtime Fair Havenite Lee Weber (née Walker). Lee, long known as a model area mom with a generous spirit and heart, kicked the new year off with her 90th birthday on Sunday. Yes, 90! Yes, New Year’s Day.
This is a shot of her back in her modeling days in the late 1940s (roughly ’48, her daughter, RFH alum and Rumson resident Jenifer Weber-Zeller tells us). Bathing beauty, a/k/a Lee, modeled for Caroline Schnurer, a “very popular swimwear designer” of that era, Lee says.
In the post modeling days, Lee became Schnurer’s assistant, calling runway shows and such.
Lee now lives in Shrewsbury and is still looking runway ready.
See for yourselves …
Photo/courtesy of Jenifer Weber-Zeller
Happy Birthday, Lee!
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