Tag Archives: football

Retro RFH Bleacher Chillin’ Daze

Some RFHers from the Class of '79 hanging out in the football bleachers of Borden Stadium. Photo/George Day
Some RFHers from the Class of ’79 hanging out in the football bleachers of Borden Stadium.
Photo/George Day

‘Tis the season for an appropriate reprise … 

Yes, it’s been a stellar RFH football season. And while the games aren’t always home, those bleachers at Borden Stadium have always been and are still quite sacred — for cheering on the teams and just plain hangin’ out, game or not.

In the spirit of all things sporty and sportsmanlike, everyone knows that RFHers are pretty serious about their good bleacher times.

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Retro RFH Homecoming Dancing & Courting

Homecoming at RFH scored big with a week’s long celebration culminating in a win for the Bulldogs on Friday night.

Yes, there was a lot of celebrating, but there was no dancing. Well, there was no official RFH dance hosting alumni coming home and seniors on the night before Thanksgiving like decades ago. And the event? Well, it’s all about October. Has been for some time..

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Retro RFH Cheer for the Boys

The boy cheerleaders of RFH Powder Puff Football 1977 Photo/George Day
The boy cheerleaders of RFH Powder Puff Football 1977
Photo/George Day
The boy cheerleaders of RFH Powder Puff Football 1977
Photo/George Day

Cheers to sunny fall days and classic looks back! The sun is still out and, despite the fall sting in the air, it’s something to cheer about. So, we’re taking you back, once again, to a special crew of RFH cheerleaders — the boys of RFH’s Class of ’78 in an encore of this Oct. 8, 2015 Retro Pic of the (George) Day from two views! Cheers!

The 1977 RFH Powder Puff Football game was a good one that made for some great photo ops.

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Retro RFH Home-Baked Fun

RFH girls’ bake sale fun
Photo/Marc Edelman, Facebook

Football season at RFH is pretty sweet. Always has been. And it’s not just because of the game. It’s about those sideline hustles, too, like, for instance bake sales.

Yes, bake sales. 

No, it wasn’t always just about football at game time back in the day — as if that wasn’t enough. Oh, as tradition has it, there were always lots of things happening before, during and after games, whether on the field, off the field, around the bend or, well, in the parking lot. Yes, the parking lot. That’s where some epic bake sales sweetened up game days — and sometimes spiced them up.

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In Memoriam: Forever Rumsonite, Rumson High Football Star, Fireman, Tony Mellaci, 100

“To my dad who accomplished so many things in life and experience more than we could imagine. The depression, WW2, starting life when there was still horse & carriages, to seeing a man walk on the moon. My dad loved life and lived it to its fullest. RIP dad. Until we meet up again. Love you … He reached his goal to live to 100.”

That he did. Iconic longtime Rumsonite Anthony J. “Tony” Mellaci passed away peacefully from natural causes at home, surrounded by loved ones, on June 17. He had just recently reached the age of 100.

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Retro RFH Football Stripes Earned

In case you haven’t seen this one before and in honor of football season … a reprise …

RFH football team of the past

Do we have a cheer for RFH football? Yes, football season has kicked into high gear at RFH, so let’s take a moment to tackle this handsome team of players of an unknown year as well as the issue of name and uniform style.

Is it all in a name or uniform? Certainly not. It’s all about the game and how it’s played, of course. But, there are some quirks worth taking the ball and running with for a bit. No harm, no fumble. Just fun.

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Retro RFH Powder Puff Cheer Boys

The boy cheerleaders of RFH Powder Puff Football 1977
Photo/George Day

RFHers have fallen into football season with the usual panache. Everything about playing the game has always been done in true pro style — from the players to the cheerleaders.

Though, while cheerleaders are still cheering at RFH, they do so with different outfits and cheer style. And seeing cheerleaders all dressed up like some 1977 guys on the sidelines is something that never happens (or at least like this) anymore.

The boy cheerleaders of RFH Powder Puff Football 1977
Photo/George Day
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