Tag Archives: feature

Retro RFH Twirly Halftime Show Directors

The usual chatter about the Super Bowl halftime is incessant. And much like the seemingly nonstop beat, beat, beat of the music, those memories of the steady ol’ high school marching band rhythm drone on in the minds of retro thinkers. So, we march to the beat and remember those RFH halftime shows of yesteryear. The memories are all about the high school band and a timeless show that hasn’t seen its football field stage or basketball court in decades.

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Christina Gauss: RFH Educator of the Year

“(Christina) Gauss embodies everything that RFH stands for: she empowers her students to explore their passions, she inspires them to thrive, increases their knowledge, confidence, creativity, and compassion and truly seeks to foster global citizenship each and every day. She is an educator that others should seek to emulate in all aspects; and Rumson Fair Haven is proud to formally honor her achievements!”

RFH officials

That is the sentiment echoed throughout the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) community and it’s the reason why Spanish teacher, advisor, mentor and community member, Christina Gauss, has been named RFH Educator of the Year for 2020.  

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Focus: River Reflection

Sometimes the reflection at the waterfront in the Rumson-Fair Haven area is a mirror glass one. Still. Vivid. A picture with a clear message staring back at you from beneath.

It’s a picture of calm insight. It’s casting back of a similar scene with something new to see in the frame freeze of the water. Reflection. It gives you the chance to see more … without the blindness that the light can bring.

Take a look and find your own retrospective view …

Photos/Elaine Van Develde

Remembering Rumson Police Chief ‘Rick’ Tobias

“The Rumson Police Department is mourning the loss of Retired Chief Richard ‘Rick’ Tobias.

“For several years, Chief Tobias served as juvenile officer for the PD. His efforts changed the paths of countless members of Rumson’s youth for the better. 

“Chief Tobias was known for his big heart and willingness to help anyone in need. He was a great asset to the community and will be missed.” 

Rumson Police Department

It’s the story of a retired police chief, an officer on the Rumson beat for many years who passed away on Jan. 18 at 67 after a heroic battle with cancer. And there’s always an image to illustrate a story.

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In Memorium: Rumson Native, Mom & Wife, Mary Patey

“I have chosen a lifestyle that fits me. I pray that you will have the same good fortune as I have had.”

Mary Patey

Native Rumsonite Mary Patey summed up her life in this memoir on her 90th birthday. Her chosen fitting lifestyle and the good fortune that came with it came to an end on Jan. 10 with her passing. She was 91.

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