Tag Archives: Fair Haven

Retro ‘Santa Slays Me’ Moments

It’s always a classic — that Santa and the happy, Christmas-loving kid photo that goes awry.

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Focus: Santa Claus Comes to Fair Haven

Well, the weather outside was threatening to be slightly frightful on Friday night as Fair Haven’s Tree Lighting and Holiday Stroll got under way. But, despite a little drizzle rain, the annual tradition went on without a hitch. Delightful.

The stage for holiday merriment was set at the usual spot at Memorial Park, people gathered, Santa arrived via firetruck, the tree was lit strolling and festivities abounded.

Take a look for a glimpse into the night … (And don’t forget to CLICK to ENLARGE and scroll!)

— Photos/Elaine Van Develde

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Scene Around: A Fair Havenite’s Beautiful Morning & Forecast

Sunrise view from Manhattan
Photo/Bill Heath

It’s not the musical Oklahoma, but the song “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning” certainly came to mind when seeing this snapshot from Fair Havenite Bill Heath, retired borough police officer and now a captain with SeaStreak Ferries.

Continue reading Scene Around: A Fair Havenite’s Beautiful Morning & Forecast

Memorial Set for Longtime Fair Havenite & Volunteer, Nancy Drake

A memorial has been set for longtime Fair Havenite Nancy Badt Drake on what would have been her 89th birthday, from 1 to 4 p.m. on Wednesday at John E. Day Funeral Home, Red Bank. A service will begin at 2:30 p.m.

Nancy passed away on Nov. 7 at Brandywine Assisted Living in Shrewsbury.

Continue reading Memorial Set for Longtime Fair Havenite & Volunteer, Nancy Drake

In Memorium: Former Rumson & Fair Haven Resident, Mary Jane Barron

Former Rumson and Fair Haven resident Mary Jane Barron died of natural causes on Nov. 6.

A longtime member of St. George’s-by-the-River Episcopal Church in Rumson, she was the first woman to have been elected warden of the church, her obituary said. In addition to being very active in the church, she was known to love spending time on the beach in Sea Bright, playing bridge and tennis and gardening.

Continue reading In Memorium: Former Rumson & Fair Haven Resident, Mary Jane Barron

Fair Haven Police Report: Vandalism, Stolen Vehicle, DWI, Marijuana

The following October criminal incidents and arrests were reported by Fair Haven police. An arrest does not constitute a conviction.

Criminal Incidents

• There was a report on Oct. 18 of vandalism at the Fair Haven Community Center Park. Vulgar graffiti was scrolled on the playground. Juvenile officers Michael Volker and William Lagrotteria investigated and found the juvenile responsible.

• There was a report on Oct. 10 of a stolen vehicle. The vehicle was later recovered in Newark. Patrolman Eric Patton took the report.


• Ernest Calabrese, 46, of Fair Haven, was arrested on Oct. 28 and charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI) by Patrolman Eric Patton following a motor vehicle accident. Calabrese was also issued associated motor vehicle summonses.

• Symone Dade, 29, of Highlands, was arrested on Oct. 3 and charged with possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia and possession of a controlled dangerous substance (CDS) in a motor vehicle by Patrolman Michael Volker.