It all adds up. Good teachers plus intriguing personalities equals motivated, successful students. And, no matter how you put the equation together at RFH, there was no zero involved when it came to high school math teachers.
RFH English teachers of the 1970s Photo/RFH ’78 Yearbook
It’s all about writing what you know, as they say. So, since it’s Teacher Appreciation Week, we’re stepping back several decades to show some appreciation for RFH teachers we knew and some of their teaching moments, profound or not, that stuck with us.
Fair Haven Boys Basketball Team gets a proclamation for its championship Photo/screenshot of Zoom Borough Council meeting
They had no idea what a proclamation was, but the third grade Fair Haven Boys Basketball Team was present and proud to accept the honor for winning the 2022 Mid-Monmouth Championship from Mayor Joshua Halpern at Monday night’s Borough Council meeting.
The view of the meeting room showed a near-capacity crowd there for the boys as the mayor gathered them to explain the honor he was bestowing on behalf of a proud borough.
Two of these kids are not like the others. But, who would know when a Fair Haven neighborhood in the 1960s was pretty much a family affair anyway, right?
Just when you think the sun will shine on river days of spring in the Rumson-Fair Haven area, an inclement chill stifles that exhale of respite warmth.
The tease of sun drenching that’s meant to stay a while becomes a mere reminder of the rite-of-passage river time to come. The reminders bring the light back. They soothe a little. They give us the cue that the sun will eventually drown the chill. The river’s image always reminds us it’s there, the sun coming to sop up the Navesink’s shoreline, those clinging home’s comfort caught in the shadowy drench.
Yes, the chill took the breath out of that exhale tease. With another deep inhale, sunny days promise restore river time springtime warmth. They’re coming soon. Start the inhale. Take a look at the birth of spring on the Fair Haven riverfront.
Take it in along with the promise of warmer days ahead from the National Weather Service … (Click on one image to enlarge, scroll and enjoy! Ahhhhhh!)
Rain, rain, go away. Bring us back to spring dock days.
It’s downright dank these early days in spring. But, there’s always a little hope in the usual Fair Haven Dock scene summoning some spring sun, making the old comfort niche all the more cozy.
Until then, which according to the weather forecast is very soon, we can always daydream of great dock days with an embracing look at the riverfront that always welcomes us like an old friend.
So, open the door, have a seat and welcome your familiar riverfront dock scene for a little comfort and slice of home. It’s the best reminder that the sun will always shine on the power of place.
Click on one photo to enlarge, scroll and enjoy!
— Photos/Elaine Van Develde exclusively for R-FH Retro
Now, here’s that weather forecast heading into the weekend and the promise of some sun from the National Weather Service …
It’s springtime down by the river; and the livin’ is, well, chilly. Still, things are still always easy when there’s river time in Fair Haven.
After a tease of spring warmth and bloom, the winter sting has pierced through again. A little river time on the Navesink, down by the Fair Haven Dock, always makes things toasty, though, shiver be damned.
River time reflection makes all cozy when cold takes hold. In this stark, frigid niche, all is warm, embracing. It will always take you in when life gives you the boot.
Take in the view and know that warmth is here, at home, where there’s always a friend. (And don’t forget to click on one pic to enlarge and scroll. Enjoy!)
The chill remains, with threats of snow this week. Then, the sun returns. Take a look at this week’s weather outlook for the Rumson-Fair Haven area from the National Weather Service …
Spring. It’s been long-awaited and it’s here. With it come signs of hope, growth, rebirth and fertility that was stifled by winter’s frozen grip. Stagnated.
Buds are beginning to bloom in sparse trees along the riverscape. Garden perennials are popping up with the sun. Bulbs about to pop with life are peering through remnants of the dead of winter. Abandoned laid eggs lie still in a half-made shriveled flower pot nest that a mourning dove ironically cast aside on the last cold day.
All comes back … to grow. To bring life and warmth back to the sparse riverscape, the yard, the flower pot nesting spot.
Sun up, signs of spring out. Take notice and soak it all up with the sun. Hope is here.
Take a look at our snapshots of little signs of spring above and take it all in.
**And don’t forget to click on one image in the gallery to enlarge and scroll! Enjoy!**
Interesting tidbit: Did you know that mourning doves have a habit of being terrible nest makers, but fabulous parents? True story. Ironic.
Here’s this week’s weather outlook for the Rumson-Fair Haven area from the National Weather Service …
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