Remembering My Fair Daddy

The following piece was originally published on Aug. 31, 2015. It is being re-run, with changes only in the amount of years that have passed, in memory of my father, Bill Van Develde, former longtime Fair Haven Fire Company member, president and captain of the Fire Police and chairman of the Stock Room at the fair, on the anniversary of his death on Aug. 30, 1983. RIP, Dad. You are missed. Thank you for all the embarrassing moments that I didn’t appreciate enough. Thank you for making Fair Haven my home. Thank you for being a real dad. See you on the fair grounds …

Retro Fair Haven Firemen's Fair stock room days in the 1970s Photo/FHFD booklet
Retro Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair stock room days in the 1970s
Photo/FHFD booklet

By Elaine Van Develde

It’s been 41 years, but I can still see his face and that kooky Brylcreemed hairdo. I can still hear his crazy belly laugh and that signature “Take ‘er easy, buddy!” I can still see him slapping kids on the back, forever clutching his trusty clipboard, pencil perched behind his ear, sweat on the brow and finger wagging.

Continue reading Remembering My Fair Daddy

Retro Rumson Firemen’s Fair Moment

Rumson Fire Department folks at the Fair Haven Firemen's Fair 2015 Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Rumson Fire Department folks at the Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair 2015
Photo/Elaine Van Develde

Reprise in honor of Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair week and Firemen’s Night, or Firefighters’ Night, which was last night …

Well, the fair is on and nothing has stopped it yet.

A tradition within the fair tradition is Firemen’s Night. Fire departments from across the state flock to the fair, most with reps riding into town on their towns’ fire trucks. It happens annually on Wednesday night of the Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair.

So, the Retro Pic of the Day offers a glimpse into Firemen’s Night 2015 with a photo of guys and gals from the neighboring Rumson Fire Department.

A big thank you to all our volunteer firefighters.

Recognize anyone in this crew?  Have you thanked a firefighter today?

These daily stories, photos, looks back and tributes on R-FH Retro are brought to you courtesy of supporters. If you like R-FH Retro, keep the site going by sponsoring more. Click here to donate any amount you wish. Contact me for an ad or sponsorship at Thank you!

Steeping in Fair Memories: Cooking Up Firemen’s Fair Goodness

The following piece was originally published on Aug. 27, 2015. It’s fair time again, so it’s time to take a look back at how things were and are done a pivotal place at the fair — the kitchen and dining room.

By Elaine Van Develde

Someone’s in the kitchen at Fair Haven Firemen’s Fair grounds.

And while they may have, at one point another been with someone named Dinah, as the old ditty goes, it’s a definite they’ve been with someone named Mike, Dale, Sue (x2), Raquel, Ethel (x2), Mary, Anne, Amanda, Skippy, Hodgie, Mary Ellen, Joe, Evie, and, oh, yeah, Andy and a few others.

And they certainly haven’t been strummin’ on any ol’ banjo. They’ve been way too busy — cutting, peeling, filling, flouring, husking and just plain cooking.

Except there’s nothing plain about what’s cooking in the fair kitchen, who’s cooking it, when, where, why or how.

Mike Connor and John Riley get ready to start another fair night 2024
Photo/Elaine Van Develde
Continue reading Steeping in Fair Memories: Cooking Up Firemen’s Fair Goodness

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Summer Travel & Channel Closure Alert

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge replacement and associated roadway construction activity continues this week from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. through Friday, weather permitting, with an upcoming channel closure alert.

Continue reading Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Summer Travel & Channel Closure Alert