Retro RFHers’ Great Summer Adventure

RFHers on a 1970s summer jaunt to Great Adventure
Photo/Marc Edelman

A reprise in honor of these summer days and close encounters among RFH friends … 

When summer hits in the Rumson-Fair Haven area, teens tend to flock to the Sea Bright beach clubs … the river … the public beach (yes) … Donovan’s … or they hit the road and set out for a great adventure, albeit a sweaty one on some long lines to a big ride, a log flume, a dip in a crowded wading pool or something else that veers away, like a preppy style train wreck, from the R-FH area summer norm.

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Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Summer Travel Alert

Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge replacement and associated roadway construction activity continues this week from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. through Friday, weather permitting, with some new advisories concerning roads and summer Shrewsbury River activity.

Continue reading Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Summer Travel Alert