Prosecutor: Former RFH Touchdown Club Prez Charged with $25K Theft

The former head of the Rumson-Fair Haven (RFH) Touchdown Club has been charged with pilfering more than $25,000 from the non-profit organization, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni announced on Thursday.

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Police Report: $11.7K Theft by Deception, Theft, DWI, CDS, Criminal Mischief

The following recent criminal incidents and arrests were reported by Shrewsbury police. An arrest does not constitute a conviction.

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Retro FHFD Chefs

The guys in the kitchen at the Fair Haven Volunteer Fire Company Pancake Breakfast in the 1970s. Photo/screenshot of fire company yearbook
The guys in the kitchen at the Fair Haven Volunteer Fire Company Pancake Breakfast in the 1970s.
Photo/screenshot of fire company yearbook

If you made it to the Fair Haven Fire Department Spaghetti Dinner last week, it probably brought back memories of those same guys as youngsters and their dads doing chef duty at the firehouse for many an event.

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Prosecutor: Operation Plastic Army Nets 16 in Fraud, Identity Theft Scam

A two-year operation dubbed Operation Plastic Army, focusing on eradicating fraud and identity theft, has resulted in the arrest of 16 people, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni announced.

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Retro Peninsula House Swim Teaming

Peninsula House Swim Team of the mid-1970s
Photo/Facebook collection via Joanne DeStephano Garelli

It was teaming today — rain.

And in some parts of the Rumson-Fair Haven area, like Sea Bright, the precipitation and high tides were forecasted to bring the usual coastal flooding to Sea Bright — or pools of water taken to the street, at least.

So, in keeping with wishes for voluntary swimming (rather than doggie paddling across the street) and sunnier days, the Retro Pic of the Day takes us back to the mid-1970s a different kind of team — not teaming rain, but swim team(ing).

This is the old Peninsula House Swim Team. Check out those freestyle tans, toothy grins and suits. Remember Peninsula House, commonly dubbed P-House? It was a popular, affordable beach club to team up with RFH buds and join back in the day. Recognize any of the RFHers win this pic?

They’re all about the swim and sunny daze.

— Elaine Van Develde

Prosecutor: Pedestrian Dies from Injuries Sustained in Collision

A 54-year-old man has died as a result of being struck by a motor vehicle early Monday morning, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni on Tuesday.

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Rumson Police Alert Community to Car Theft, ‘Rummagings’

In light of a recent report of one stolen vehicle and several others having been rummaged through in the overnight hours of Jan. 17 through 18, Rumson police are advising that residents lock their vehicles and remove key fobs, a Rumson Police Department Facebook post said.

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Prosecutor: 21-Year-Old Gets 33 Years for Felony Murder, Related Charges

An area 21-year-old college student has been sentenced to 33 years in prison for her role in a 2017 murder, Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher Gramiccioni said on Friday.

Continue reading Prosecutor: 21-Year-Old Gets 33 Years for Felony Murder, Related Charges