Tag Archives: Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School

Retro RFH Presidents’ Day

Call it an RFH Presidents Day tribute. There have been many — high school class presidents. And each RFH class has had its way of voting for and honoring its presidents.

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Retro RFH Boys Basketball Courting

A twirly halftime show on the RFH Basketball court was the feature of one of last week’s Retro Pics of the Day. It was all about the twirl and the traditional celebration of the game with that show of support and skilled entertainment half way through. But then there were those guys they were championing.

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Christina Gauss: RFH Educator of the Year

“(Christina) Gauss embodies everything that RFH stands for: she empowers her students to explore their passions, she inspires them to thrive, increases their knowledge, confidence, creativity, and compassion and truly seeks to foster global citizenship each and every day. She is an educator that others should seek to emulate in all aspects; and Rumson Fair Haven is proud to formally honor her achievements!”

RFH officials

That is the sentiment echoed throughout the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) community and it’s the reason why Spanish teacher, advisor, mentor and community member, Christina Gauss, has been named RFH Educator of the Year for 2020.  

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RFH Students Get Immersed in Spanish, Chinese Cultures Abroad


Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School’s (RFH) World Language students took trips overseas to Spain and China, where they extended their education beyond the walls of the classroom. They put their experiences all together in a presentation at the latest Board of Education meeting on Dec. 10.

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RFH Students Get Taste of COP25 Environmental Activism


Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) students and staff did their part in raising awareness with a week of environmental-centric activities designed to coincide with this year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25).

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Focus: RFH ‘Hunchback’; After the Curtain Call

Hunchback of Notre Dame cast

Another closing, another show …

They took their bows and exited stage right and down the hall to bask in the success of their show, mingle and strike a few poses. Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School (RFH) Tower Players’ Hunchback of Notre Dame was a success by all accounts.

The cast performed a comedic version of the show, which the audience embraced with lots of laugh-out-loud moments that were the talk of the weekend.

The show closed on Sunday to accolades and bonding moments with the cast, crew and audience.

Take a look for a glimpse into another RFH show …

Photos/courtesy of RFH PAS

Retro RFH Freshmen Show Folk

It’s that time of the RFH school year when the Tower Players are readying their fall production. This year it’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and curtain goes up three days from now.

Shows have always been a tradition at RFH — every high school, for that matter. There are usually two: a fall drama and a spring musical.

But, back in the 1970s, there was more. Seniors had an end-of-the-year variety show and, for a short stint, freshmen had a follies. And in the fall of 1974, all freshmen talent was pooled and the follies show went on.

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Retro RFH Witchy Women’s Ride

Witchy RFH women on Halloween of 1977 Bonnie Werner and Sue Brower
Photo/George Day

Call it Halloween buddy system brooming. Remember the old buddy system? Trick or treating with a buddy to stay safe. Ever apply that theory in high school tricks with the only treat being the friendship and good ride through it all together?

Well, this gruesome twosome of best buds applied the system for some double trouble all in good ghoulish fun. Now that’s a special brand of mischief. You could say they were headed every witch way on this Halloween in the late 1970s, except to class.

The two would be Sue Brower and Bonnie Werner of the RFH Class of ’78.

So the double-dose Retro Pic(s) of the (George) Day feature them at their Halloween best.

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Retro RFH Ghostly Gaggle

An RFH ghostly gathering on Halloween in 1977
Photo/George Day

A Halloween reprise to honor the season of the ghost …

Scary season has set in. People in the Rumson-Fair Haven area aren’t just out raking leaves, either. They’re haunting up their homes, crafting costumes and getting into the spirit. So, why not add a little extra retro spooking from RFH students of the past?

BOO … who or what? It was all in the haunt for RFHers back in the 1970s. They started getting the Halloween party going early on and ended up with a pretty festive feast of ghouls on the grounds of the high school and, yes, beyond.

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